Three|Ninja Skills

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Tears were leaking out my eyes as I limped out the hospital, I was just kidding! Who takes that literally? My a$s burns so bad. I have to go to the store now, so much for going home and curling up in bed. I needed burn creme.

Sick bastard.

Oh come on, you know you enjoyed that!

Whatever, he still should have touched me.

You practically begged for him to f0ck you! Be lucky he only spanked you.

I'm going crazy, that's an all-time low(:)), talking to myself.


"Exactly, babyboy."

My face reddened and put a chilli peppers to shame.

He moved me carefully to avoid hitting my leg to have me straddle him. It's not like I could feel my leg anyway, the cast was so tight my leg was numb. But not like sitting-on-you-butt-to-long numb.

Once again I came out of my daydreaming, his hands were inching toward my a$s.

I groaned when I felt his large hands on my lower back,

"Does that feel good? Do you like the idea of me redding you little plump a$s?"

By that time he his hands were grabbing and pulling at my a$s, each a$scheeck fit perfectly into his hands. God his hands were huge!

His mouth became latched on to my neck and was for sure marking my neck up. His hand pulled back and smack my a$s, my body lurched forward and my c0ck rubbed against his chest. He looked down at me with a smirk, as I tried to get off of him. Of course he wasn't going for it, he changed my position so that my a$s was out and I was kneeling above his giant thighs. It actually kinda burned to have my thighs this spread wide. But of course, even though I was standing on my knees over him I still wasn't taller than him. I was face and upper chest with him.



Sh!t that hurt.

"W-what was that f-for?"

"I can see it all over your face, tiny,"

I stared at him, a glare forming.

"What the h-h3ll d-did you j-just say?"

I guess that was his breaking point, his hands were on my ass faster than I could say sorry. But it wasn't just one slap, it was 10. I know that especially, 'cause as if it wasn't already humiliating enough, he made me count.

"I'm sorry, what number are we on, tiny?"


Tears of frustration rolled down my face.

His hands started rubbing the back of my thighs, I buried my head into his shoulder, showing my embarrassment.

"Hey, hey. It's okay one step at a time,"

My face was red for sure, I needed to get out of here. Putting on my most innocent face, sniffing a couple of times, and widening my eyes a bit, I turned to Mr. Linnet.

"C-can I g-g-g-go home, p-please?" I made it seem like I was choking back a sob.

"Of course, let me go get a nurse and we'll get you out of here, alright?"

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