One| Babyboy

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What the office looks like, but bigger.

Walking is not fun, not at all. I winced as another person's elbow hit my nose. I was short, as in like borderline midget, 4"11.

One more year, I always told myself, one more year. Then along comes doctor asshºle saying this is as tall as I'll get.

I'll show him.

"Prick" I mutter under my breath, while rubbing my nose.

I giggled as that was the first time of the week I didn't stutter while talking. I stopped though realizing I was a guy. We "don't" do that. Cue the eye roll.

I picked up my speed hoping to not be late. Mr. Linnet was not a man to be... messed with, or was it poked? Whatever my friend told me, not like I gave a fuçk.

Walking up to the building I started to feel nervous, once inside I noticed the sleek steel. Who the hell am I kidding? The first thing I noticed was the big bowl of candy, I spotted a bag of Jolly Ranchers mixed with Gummy worms and bears.

I had to mentally drag myself away, and started walking toward the front desk.

"H-hello, I'm C-c-cean Willkons, he-ere for a-a inter-rview."

The lady smiled and told me to go sit in one of the chairs. I went to go sit down, but thought of another question, but the lady was already on it,

"Yes, the candy is free, and yes you can have some." she answered without even looking at me.

I nodded and walked over to bowl.

I smiled once I achieved the gummy bears/worms and Jolly Ranchers, I lost my smile when I felt hands wrap around my waist, pulling me into a brick wall.

"I suppose you're Mr. Willkons?"

I looked into a pair of Hazel-Nut/ Ember eyes, memorized. He was waaaaay hotter than what my friend said, his tan skin was smooth and flawless, unlike mine. Mine was rugged and scarred up. His jaw was sharp and you could see he hadn't shaved in about a week.

I wasn't going to play naive, I knew who this guy was. And I was getting ready to curse his a$s out.

"Y-you shouldn't touch peop-p-ple, who d-d-don't want to be füc-c-cking touched! So p-p-put me d-down!"

I was fµcking pissed at the fact that my feet were dangling off the floor, and I still wasn't face to face with him. I was face to stomach with him.

He started walking toward his office, all my kicking and hitting seemed to do nothing to him. I stopped when I heard the force he used to slam his office door.

Did nobody see this? What the hèll?

And my poor back seemed to understand the force he used too, after he pushed me up against it, his face coming real close to mine. His breath was warm and smelled like cinnamon, I could feel his stubble face as he moved to my ear,

"I will tell you this once, and once only, if you ever curse again like that to me again, I will take you across my lap where ever we are, do you understand?"

Oh shit, where the hell did that come from?

A harsh pat on my thigh brought me back reality,

"I asked you a-"

"Yeah, sur-re, whate-ever," I cut him off with a smirk knowing it ruffled his feathers more.

My smirk quickly turned into a frown as I realized what I was doing. I pushed against Mr. Linnet's chest and he just wrapped his arms tighter around me, unwrapping one arm he wrapped my legs around his waist. I tried to pull off him while he was using one arm, but that was useless. He walked over to his giant desk and laid me down, I arched my back when it made contact, it was fucking cold. As soon as he let go of my arms I start hitting him, after awhile my arms got tired. Damn, I need more exercise.

What the I thought as I looked up at him to see him with a bored expression. He leaned down and hovered over me on his forearms, and bit my nose. Bitch. As if he read my thoughts he smacked my thigh, my breath hitched as he moved to my ear and I could smell his intoxicating cologne,

"Babyboy, I don't think that was very smart of you, my feelings are hurt. How are you gonna make it better?"

I almost moaned when he said babyboy, but I couldn't let him know that,

"I-I ca-an kick y-you in your ba-alls,"

Not the right answer at all, I almost came in my pants when he bit my earlobe, anger filling his actions, I couldn't hold back my moan this time, it came out loud and a chuckle was heard from him. My face turned red and I closed my eyes,

"Don't be a brat, baby. I know you're sorry, so you can show me you are by-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence, because I kneed him in the balls.

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