Part Nine

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“Look” you both say at the same time, 

“You first” he says almost instantly after. You started to feel nervous, and just looking at him tears started to well up in your eyes, once again. I can’t cry, you think to yourself as you begin to speak…

“Last year, the first time I met you, was the most magical day of my life, and for so long after I thought about nothing else, I would have given my life to have met you again so why would I have reason to not call, im not mad!” you say it sarcastically and you expect him to laugh at your pathetically made joke, he doesn’t however, so you just carry on…

“I promise you on my little sisters life” she was still on top of Aston pulling at his shirt. “I promise you I was alone that night at the concert, and the girl who came up to you afterwards, I don’t even know her name, I didn’t even know she came up to you, its just arggh Oritse said thats what happened, look I didn’t want five minutes with you so that I could tell you how annoyed I am with this girl, she has wrecked my life, she obviously wanted you so much and used me to get to you, I hate her!” you start to tremble with anger. 

“That is my girlfriend your talking about, and anyways even if you are right then you could have got in contact with me!” he looked a little sad… you decided to tone down a bit. 

“I have no contact with you Aston, I tried contacting Modest! But do you think they would have believed me they don’t know me at all, and probably didn’t know about that special night anyways, I fell in love with you Aston when I met you and im sure you fell in love with me too, you wrote that song in what 10 minutes? Desperately before the show, you wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t mean anything to you…” your tears appear again but you hold them back. 

“You meant a lot to me, I, I, well I fell in love with you too”. Your little sister starts clapping after Aston had finished so you give her some money and tell her to go and buy her self some sweets from the counter. She tries to pull Aston with her but after realising he isn’t going to budge, she runs off by herself. You both are sat there in silence and when you glance at the clock you realise five minutes had already past, luckily Aston still wasn’t heading out of the door. When looking around you spotted a guitar up against the wall behind Astons chair, how much you wished you could play that guitar and sing him a song right now.

“I’m just going to the toilet” he says as he stands up. 

“Don’t escape out of the bathroom windows” you reply and luckily for you he lets out a little chuckle this time. Suddenly you find yourself standing up and picking up the guitar off of the floor, bringing your chair in front of you, you sit up on the table and rest your leg on the stool. Most of the cafe turns around to look at you as you start strumming your guitar, and without realising what you were actually about to do, you introduce your song…

“I met this boy, this superstar and I was just a normal girl, a wide eyed fan, and I want to sing this for the superstar that I met, the boy who changed my life forever” everyone was looking your way urging you to begin and as Aston walked out of the toilet doors you did just that, you began to sing…

“This is wrong but, I can’t help but feel like there ain’t nothing more right babe. Misty morning comes again and I can’t help but wish I could see your face, and I knew from the first note played I’d be breaking all my rules to see you. You smile that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row scream your name. So dim that spotlight, tell me things like, I can’t take my eyes off of you I’m no one special, just another wide-eyed girl, who’s desperately in love with you. Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, Superstar” you stop as when you look over at Aston he is stood there in floods of tears holding onto your little sister, who also has a tear in her eye. 

You drop the guitar to the floor and run up to them…

“Im sorry” he quietly spoke…

“Im even more sorry” you replied. And you just stood there and stared into eachother eyes…

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