The Girl

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What girl are you talking about. I asked

No response

Leo what girl are talking about. I said again

Nothing till he spoke

Umm no girl. Hey I have to g- He said before I cut him off

No your not going any we're. I said till I grab his arm

But. He said

No buts now tell me who this girl is. who do you like? I said while I let go of his arm

Its not me it's. He said

Who Chase,Douglas,Bob who who. I said getting a little pushy

Adam okay Its Adam. He said

What. so your telling me I'm the girl he likes. I said confused

I don't know one day he told me he like someone and I said your name he didn't say anything but just left. He said

Oh. Are you sure he didn't say anything. I asked

Yes I'm sure. I have to go. He said

Then he left. I was there alone keeping my head down till someone came by

Hello. Said the voice

I didn't pick me head up so I nodded while my head was down

So whats wrong. Said the voice

Nothing it's just stuff. I said with my head down

Really what kind of stuff. Said the voice. When the voice said that I thought it was getting a nosey

Just stuff. I said a little grumpy

Oh. Well would you at least look at me. Said the voice

I didn't feel like picking up my head but I wanted to. When I let up my head I was surprise when I saw who it was

Oh my gosh Bree your back. I said with excited

Yea I am. She said

How was Australia. I said making small talk

It was fun I saved a lot of people and animals. She said

I missed you. I said while hugging her
I missed you too. She said while letting go of the hug

So how was it here at the academy. She said

I just stood there thinking about all the crazy stuff that happened Logan,Adam, Chase. Then I spoke

Um it was Crazy. I said

How crazy. She asked

Crazy. Its a long story. I said

Okay. She said

Okay what. I said

I want to hear the story. She said

One long story later

Wow I can't believe you had your first kissed happened. She said excited

Yup. I said

I can't believe you think Adam likes you and most important Adam likes You. She said in shock

Yea. So tell about Australia. I said

She told me everything about how she had fun over there and how Ethan visit her in Australia and how they had a date there it was so magical

Wow I guess we both had some adventures. I said

Yea. I guess we did. She said

Where's Mr Davenport. I asked a little concerned

I think he's fixing his car. She said

Okay thank you. I said

I super speed to find him till I did

Hey Mr Davenport. I said

Hello. Mr Davenport said

Can I ask you something. I said

Yea sure what's up. He said

Well I wondering. Why can't I be a mentor. I asked angry

Because if you be a mentor you would end up like Adam. He said

I can handle myself. I said

Really? Then if you can handle your self then move that wrench with your mind. He said

I touched my head just like chase tried to pick up it moves a little but doesn't move that much

See. When you have a good mentor you can learn a lot of things like to move something with your mind. He said

But the mentor I have is chase. Why chase out of everyone in the academy I rather have Bob teach me then a drama queen like chase. I said

Drama queen? He said

Yea. I meant what I said the point is can I have another teacher like Bree. Or better yet Me. I said

Sorry Lexi but your a student. He said

Whatever I have to go. I said

While I was about to leave he stopped me

Wait. He said while stopping fixing his car

I stopped

What. I said

Sorry you had you deal with chase I know he wants everything his way but you'll learn a lot. He said

Whatever. I said

Lexi I mean it. He said

I know I know. I said

And try not to give chase a hard time. He said

Ill try. I said

Lexi. He said

Fine. I have to find Bree

Okay bye. He said

Well Lexi be a mentor? Well she finally tell Adam what she knows? And someone really familiar well come back. Want to know KEEP READING! and show other people please and thank you

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