Not Forgiven

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What have you done with her. Mr Davenport said while yelling

Well Davenport I now control both of them. Krane told them

We defeated you once we can do it again. Said Chase

Yeah you don't scare us. Adam said

Really I don't sacred you what about my two helpers. Said Krane

Okay maybe Lexi but Marcus no. Leo said

Really. LEXI take care of my little friends. Said Krane

Lexi superspeed to Leo and knocked him down, Marcus superspeed to Adam and fight him near a wall, Lexi then attacked Bree and grab a rope and tied Adam,Bree,Chase and Leo up. While Marcus tied Mr Davenport and Douglas up

When you will you ever give up. Krane said

When Chase will get a girlfriend which he will never get, but when he does we will give up. Bree said

Hey! I'm right here. Chase said

Well I meant it. Bree said

Now I will do what I meant to do long time ago. Keane said

What is that? Said Douglas

Make my own bionic army. Krane said

We will never let you do that. Chase said

Your all tied up the 3 most powerful bionics ever. Lexi Marcus watch them I'll be right back. Krane said while walking away

Lexi please let us go. Chase said

Lexi I know your in there please let us go. Bree said

No you are evil. Lexi said

Were sorry that we lied to you were sorry. Bree said

Then out of no where Logan gave Lexi a shot and Marcus

What did you do. Adam asked

I gave them a shot where that can't be in control anymore. Logan said

Logan untied Adam,Bree,Chase, Leo,Mr Davenport, Douglas

Thanks Logan. They all said

~Few Minutes later~

Ugh what happened. I said

I gave you and Marcus a shot . Logan told me

Why?!!! I yelled at him

Because Kane was controling you both he basically save you guys. Adam told me

What if I didn't want to be saved. I told them

Why? On earth should you say that. Chase said

Because you guys lied to me for 5 years. I told them

We didn't mean it you know that. Adam said

If you didn't mean it why didn't you tell me sooner. I yelled at them

Ugh. What happened. Marcus said while rubbing his head

Its okay were just gonna go somewhere else. I told him

Huh?? Marcus said

Let's just go. I told him

I dragged him and went somewhere till someone got In the way

Where you think your going. Krane said

Then everything went black
~Sorry I haven't update much I've been busy and Monday-Thursday I was testing so sorry guys/girls~

Want to know what happens next KEEP READING!!!

I love to sleep😂😂😴😴

Bye Loves😘

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