Come And Get Me If You Can [Resident Evil Fan Fic}]

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My boots were crushing twigs and leaves as I ran from the fucken bloody hounds and men. Every now and then I received a new cut from the branches as I ran past them. You could see my breath in the cool crisp air. It was raspy. My lungs burned. I seemed to loose the men. I stopped and fell to the ground. The leather gloves protected my hands from getting cut on the grass which had thorns in it. Suddenly a black figure pounces on me.

"Shit." I quickly say and grab hold on the figure.

The figure was a boy. My age. A bit younger. I could tell he was a begginer. Then way and angle he jumped on me. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. He's going fucken Down.

I grabbed his both shoulders and he did too, we rolled on the ground and I hit my head on a rock. Thats it. I made a quick move and before you knew it i had him against a tree and a knife blade against his neck.

The moon shined on his face and he was sorta cute. A sudden howl of a hound pierced the air. 5 miles. Better make it quick.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I whispered harshly at his face.

"Take a chill babe, im on your side." He said nicely, wtf babe?

"Look here dipshit, im in a situation right now and if you think youre tagging along take care of yourself, im not babysitting anyone." I said it clearly and pissed off cause of the delay on my schedule, i should be by Lake Taylor by now. Fucken bitch. I threw him on the ground and herd rustling .5 of a mile away. Fuck. I put away the knife in a pocket in my black vest. I started climbing the tree.

"You take the hard way, I'll take an easier one." He said lamely sounding bored and he brought himself up from the rough ground. Then he took out a pistol. He aimed and shot a rope up about 5 feet above my head, not that fucken far, couldve hit me. And he went on being pulled up. What a bitch. I rested against a large tree branch and decided to forget about him.

"I swear I saw her right here, she cant just disappear outta thin air." Said a bulky man in black.

"Pfft, shes a pain in the ass lets keep loo-" I interupted his little friend's talk and tackled him to the ground and jerked his head sideways quickly ending his life. I felt like his little friend wasnt far behind so i turned but ducked and made him miss the punch, i kicked sideways while i was still crouched down and brought him to the floor.

He scrambled upwards and kicked my shoulder causing me to fall backwards. The night sky was in my view now. It was nice. I threw mt legs forwards bringing myself up. I received a punch in the stomach.

"Ufgh," I groaned.

Suddenly a blade sliced through my pants and mildly cutting my skin. It stung.

"If you really fucking want me dont kill me, gosh." I spit on the ground.

Two more men appeared out of the woods. I looked back up at the tree. Little motherfucker ditched me, but something about him seemed familiar... I didnt know what though...

A guy handcuffed me and then everything went into a shade of bllinding white.

Come And Get Me If You Can [Resident Evil Fan Fic	Sorta]Where stories live. Discover now