The House

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We went through the gate and passed by a pathway with stones. We were at the doorstep now. The little girl pushed open the door.

I stepped inside right behind the little girl. This place was huge. Chandeliers here and there. I then spotted the kitchen. Food. Yes.

I searched it and got an apple and sandwhich. When I finished it I went upstairs where Amy and the little girl was.

"This is Isabelle. My daddy gave it to me." The girl held out a doll with a pink dress on.

"Oh thats nice, shes beautiful like you." said Amy.

I then herd growling behind me. I knew right away what it was.

"We've got company. Protect the girl." I said turning around. As Amy nodded.

And well. No one was there. Until I saw downwards. I saw not an infected, but a puppy. A cute one.

I knelt down and picked it up, it was white and black giant spots around, I craddled it in my arms and walked towards Amy and....and...I suddenly realized I didnt know the little gilrs name, a drawing hung on the wall got my attention, I examined it, it had three people and the puppy I had in my arms. There was a woman, which was aperantly me. A man, which was the girls husband? And the little girl. In the corner was her name.

"Crystal." I said in a soft voice.

Suddenly images were going through my head. I herd ringing in my ears. I was in a wedding dress. Laughing. Along to my right was a man. We were on a carriage and going to our honey moon. The images stopped. I stepped back into reality. I took a breath in.

"Mum?..." The little girl was behind me.

"Hey sweetie.." I managed to smile.

"Do you miss daddy?" She asked in a sad tone.

Why would I miss him? Did something happen?...

"Yeah, but its okay.." I had no idea what this was...

A moment of silence filled the room.

Being broken by a yell. Amy!

I handed the pup to Crystal. And rushed to the living room.

There I saw an injured Amy with a puddle of blood all around. Companied by a creature on top of her.

"Dont just stand there! Get the girl outta here! I'll have this bitch begging for mercy in a sec." She grunted and pinned the creature down and shot its head. I went back upstairs where Crystal was. Only. She wasnt there.

"Crystal?... Crystal!!" I called out.

"Yes mum?" She came out of the closet. I went towards her and hugged her. I might not remember having her, but if she claims to be my daughter, i will love her like one.

"You know, you couldve asked for help to protect her." A voice came from the closet.

They stepped out.

It was that douche from the woods!

"How did you get here?!" I pushed him against the wall and had a knife against him.

"Mum, why are you doing that to Uncle Jack?...." Clearly, she knew it was a knife and it ment danger.

"U-uncle?..." I stammered and let go.

"More like your new parter." He cleared it up.

"I have Amy. I dont need no douche." I spat out and got Crystal and went downstairs where Amy was.

"Lets go." I said in a stern voice that Amy didnt object.

"Wait!" The douche came behind.

"Jack?" Amy turned around.

Okay, what is going on?!

"Amy..." He was surprised.

"Youre...alive?" Amy asked.

"Holdup, holdup. What is going on here?" I stepped in on their little reunion. Whoops.

"He....he died!" Amy yelled and ran towards him.

"Nope." He said receiving her in his arms.

"You dont remember?..." Amy asked squinting her eyes towards me.

"No...all i know that he is a douche." I pointed out.

"Hahahaha, well yeah, but what about the incident in Vegas?" She asked now crossing her arms.

"Nothing." I said quietly.

"Oh." She simply said.

I then realized it. My mom probably erased my memory again! What a bitch! I swear everytime she does this is annoying. Im more like a lab rat than a daughter. I scoffed.

Amy noticed it too. She sighed.

"Lets get going..." I opened the car door and everyone got in. As I drove off the driveway i noticed the huge beast behind us. At first i thought i was hallucinating. But when Amy and Jack had a surprised face on them, I knew I wasnt. I increased out speed hoping I wouldnt kill the four of us.

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