Ahh, The Institute...

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I woke up on the floor. Everything was white. It hurt my eyes. But Im used to this. I was in...pajamas? First time, others I was only covered by two sheets and tape. Wires, tubes, and things were stuck all over my body. I plucked all of them off and got off the hard bed. White. White. White. 

"Ufgh!" I said frustrated. 

"Hello Alice." A robotic voice of a little girl said. The queen. Yeah its bullshit you think but this is all her doing.

"What the fuck do you want this time?" I snapped back.

"Were going to test you Alice," A new voice said. A Female voice... One who I knew since I was born. I turned and saw my mother. Wow! Great! Just great! Now both of my parents are after me! Yeah thats right. My dad. He owns this place.

Suddenly an invisible drawer came out, with a new suit and weapons. Sweet. As I examined them my mother spoke.

"Get dressed and be on your way." The window in which she stood in disappeared.

Once I got everything, I headed out the door. I loaded my gun and placed my blade on a pocket. And then I went past a door without a door. Everything went black and dark. I suddenly fell and felt gravity take over. I was falling. 

"Damn..." I said as I fell upon wet grass and the hard ground.

Okay this is weird. There was a perfect night sky above me, as if I had fallen right through it. It was lightly raining. A thunder bolt craked against the still night. Someone grabbed my arm. So I quickly acted and was about to slice its throat when I saw it was only Amy. My partner.

"Phew, dude, I almost had you killed." I but the blade away.

"I would've killed you first," She said with a laugh.

"Uhh...." She suddenly stopped. 

"What?" I said alerted. Then I felt the presence of a large object behind me. I turned around.

"Holy mother..." I said also stopping.

It was a 25 foot big beast. Scaly, fangs, horns, and venom dripping down it. Four leg things. and its brain was sticking out. It turned. 

"Quickly, run and kill it!" I started running with my parter. 

It came right behind us. But then a glow came in front and then we fell off a ledge. Its was a city. We slid down fairly ruff and halted to a stop. I hid behind a large rock and started shooting the beast.

One bullet...

Two bullets...

Three bullets...

Fuck it.

I ran towards it and it also ran towards me with rage. 

"This is your end bitch." I murmured under my breath and slid under the beast stabbing it and shooting at it with a large bullet it its brain. Then its heart. After a few moments it fell to the ground with a thud.

"Nice job Alice." said Amy.

'Lets go to the city now, I'm starving." I said walking through the tall grass. All of a sudden as if it was time travel the sun quickly came up. Which only ment one thing. We were in a dome. Hah. Cool mom. Throw beasts at me to kill me in a cage.

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