Chapter TWO

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"What do you think about her?" I asked Wilma the following morning. She's about to place my coffee in my table.

"She's a delicate wild flower." She answers before she turns around to fetch some documents.

What does she fucking mean by a delicate wild flower?

"She's got the coldest eyes I've ever seen in my life," I sip my coffee, trying to calm my raging nerves, knowing that she'll arrive in a few minutes, leaves me fidgeting in some reasons I don't understand.

"She's very smart and well mannered; I think she's from a wealthy clan. The way she walks and the way she dressed, you can't learn that from school. It only means that she's surrounded by people who acts the way she do." Wilma said and sits to the chair Monica took yesterday and goes through my schedule as our routine. When she's finished she smiles warmly up at me. She reminds me of my mom. Her eyes remind me of my childhood, memories that I'll forever cherished.

"Blake, son, try to keep an open mind. Not all girls are like her, and I know that Monica is nothing like her. If you fall in love again this time, don't stop yourself. Give yourself a chance to be happy, stop fooling around. Give yourself a chance to find what you've been missing for all your life." She said emotionally. I have to blink several times before I can speak again.

"I know that she's different, Wilma. The question here is, would she let me in?" I said trying to keep a calm façade.
She smiles again, and look at me with relieve eyes; like the way my mom would look at me if she found out that I'm ready to fall in love again.

A few moments later, there's a soft knock on, my doors open, revealing the woman we're talking about. I sit up straighter all of a sudden.

"Good morning, Sir, Mrs. Stonesteel." she greets. I simply nod my head.

"Wilma, train her. I meet you at the dinner. Monica, have a great first day at work." I said dismissing both of them.

"Thank you, Sir." she answers politely and they both leave the room.


I'm hired. I've got a new job without the help of my name.

I am proud that I made it on my own. My credentials do the talking for me. It was such a brief interview, at first I thought that the CEO knew me by the look he gave me. But, later on I realized the he don't know me and have no fucking idea who I was.

I need to stand on my own. I need to live with my back bone. I can't forever stay as the princess of the family; fragile and vulnerable. I need to make a living; buy things from my own salary and savings. I need to afford a life every woman dream of. But it had to be in my own.

I surely had a hard time convincing my parents about this. But they eventually agreed with my promise that I will still use my car that they gave me with GPS and Siri on the side and other stuffs that can locate me or my car.

I once again shake my head to myself. I should not be thinking about my past. I should be looking forward. Forward to my new begining.

For a while, even just for a while--as long as my parents will allow me--I want to be me. I want to live my life alone. To forget. I need to pull myself out of this. And no one can help me up again but myself.

Sometimes, I still wake up with unbearable pain in my chest. I still see him in my dreams. Can even smell his stale cologne and after shave. I need a new surrounding. I need a new world to live in. He's gone.. And I need to move my fucking ass forward like he did.

This is my first day at work. And I can't be late. I need a good impression. I chose a light green mini dress and match it with dark green slim belt and green plumps. Okay, I sigh. This will do. I grab my cream purse and pull my keys out.

The security guard in my new job is eyeing my car with lust. Well, I can't blame him. Scarlet is the name of my car and she's really fucking hot. My Saab convertible is really the apple of my eye. She's my baby.

I roll my window down.

"Good morning, Ma'am." the security guard, Lawrence greets me. I smile lightly up at him.

"Good morning to you, too." I said before I drive passed his booth.

I took the elevator on the left side and push the top floor. When the lift opens, I walk out to the eerie quiet hallway to the office of my new boss where my soon to be cabin is located.

"Good morning, Mrs. Stonesteel." I said, I let myself in after two soft knocks on the door. My boss sits up abruptly and nods at me. Almost not looking straight at my face. Well that is a good sign.

"Good morning, Ms. Wilson." she said with warm eyes. I like her. She looks kind and motherly.

The president dismiss us almost after I enter the room asking Wilma to train me.

"Please call me Monica." I smile at her.

"And please call me Wilma." she said and we proceed to my training. Before the clock ticks to 12 PM, she lets me go to have lunch.

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