chapter 6

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Kodies P.O.V

I woke up at 6 a.m. and started getting ready for school i curled my hair did a smoky eye got dressed in black skinny jeans black vans and a batman shirt i "borrowed" from andy

"Andy im ready for school"

"Come get in the car then" i got in the car and met jessica by my locker

"Jessica do you wanna skip after art and then be back for choir and study hall"

"Ya lets do it" We finished art and then went to the mall. I wore my sunglasses so no one noticed me except for the cashier at hot topic. So we just walked around for a while then headed back to school. We got back just in time for choir then we went to study hall. After school was over Andy came and picked me up.

"Ashleys pissed"


"You skipped school"

"Oh he found out"

"Yes he did find out"

"Looks like im grounded" We got home and Ashley grounded me i texted Jessica that Ashley found out and im grounded and she said her parents didn't care i went to my room and worked on my art and i was done at midnight so i went downstairs and ate i really shouldn't have skipped dinner

"Kodie what are you doing" Andy said

"I'm getting something to eat"

"Ok i just wanted to make sure you were ok it's almost 1 am"

"I really need to get to bed"

"Yes and no skipping school tomorrow"

"I won't"

"Good" he came and hugged me and kissed my forehead



"I love you"

"I love you Kodie your my entire world"

"I really need to go to bed now"

"Yes you do" we went upstairs and both went to our rooms and went to bed i woke up the next morning and instantly smiled because Andy said he loves me i realized it was 7:30 shit i need to get ready i got up and showered and did my hair and makeup and got ready and it was 8:30 so i had to get Andy to the car and to the school in 10 minutes

"Andy get in the car right now"

"We really need to get you a car"

"We can worry about that later i need to get to the school in 9 minutes lets go"

"Ok i'm on my way"

"Hurry" we got to school with 2 minutes left so i ran to my locker and got my stuff and ran to class. I wish i could skip school again today but Ashley would kill me. Somehow i made it through all my classes and then Andy picked me up from school

"Andy i didn't skip today"


"I'm tired"

"Well who decided to stay up super late last night"

"Pffffft not me"

"Well it wasn't me either"

"Tomorrows Friday"

"What do you wanna do"

"We could watch batman"

"Or we could go on a date"

"We could"

"Ok so how about we leave at about 6"

"Sounds good to me" we got home and i went to my room and layed on my bed and did homework and after about an hour Andy came in

"Hey Kodie whatcha working on"

"Stupid english homework" he crawled into bed with me and pulled me into him and kissed me

"I hate going to school its to stressful"

"I'm sorry"

"I dont want to go i just want to stay home and cuddle with you"

"Kodie you have to go to school"


"It's ok"

"Andy are you sure i cant just skip tomorrow and stay home with you"

"We have another meeting tomorrow so no" I finished my homework and spent the rest of the night watching movies with Andy

"Andy what time is it" I said

"10 pm"

"I need to go to sleep"

"Ok goodnight"

"Goodnight" he kissed me on the forehead and i went to sleep

Sorry it takes so long for me to get a new chapter i've had a lot going on lately
-oreo queen

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