Chapter 2

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  "Silly girl... what were you doing out there when you're like this?" Kaname sighs, placing a hand on Eiri's hot and sweaty forehead. "You're burning up,"
Eiri peers up at him from under her blanket, which is drawn up to her nose. She utters a muffled, "You can tell me how hot I am in a much nicer way," that does little to amuse the pureblood in front of her.
"Must you always worry me?" Kaname tuts, a smile on his lips, even though his eyes aren't smiling.
"Must you always treat me like I'm five?" Eiri groans miserably. She already feels bad enough without being scolded; she doesn't need the added boost.
"As long as you will continue to act as such, yes, I must." Kaname responds simply, soaking a wash cloth into a water basin, and placing it on Eiri's forehead.
Eiri scrunches up her nose. Feeling the cold, damp cloth on her forehead feels both comforting and disgusting to her. "You're upset," she notes.
"You spent the night sleeping in the park, in the cold, on a bench because you 'didn't feel like walking back to the dorms'... you think I would get upset about something like that?" Kaname's smile is far from kind.
Eiri stares at him for a moment "... Yes, extremely."
Kaname holds Eiri's gaze until Eiri's eyes droop tiredly as she lets out a slightly miserable groan. Her head is pounding, she feels hot and cold at the same time. She doesn't want to talk anymore, and yet she doesn't want an uncomfortable silence between them either.
Kaname lets out a sigh. He'll continue scolding her when he's convinced she'll actually remember his words a few hours later. "Rest now," he covers Eiri's eyes with his hand, gently pushing them closed. "You will feel better when you wake up," a light appears at his finger tips and Eiri's breathing evens out as he forces her to sleep with a small spell.
Kaname pulls his hand back as he adjusts the blankets on top of Eiri. His eyes shift to her neck. It would be so easy to simply lean over and sink his fangs in - it would heal her instantly, that's for sure. He shakes his head. He can't believe he just considered turning someone into a vampire over a case of a common flu...
With a weary sigh, Kaname sits back. "You are the best thing in my life... And also the worst..."  

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

"I can't believe you actually did that," Eiri is, to put it simply, not pleased.
Kaname merely sends her a smile in return. He's fairly sure that he'd told her, after they had shared that night together, that he would tolerate no other man in her bed, except for him. Is it his fault that she thought he'd been kidding? He thinks not. Besides - he is a pureblood. Why would anyone willingly bed a lower being after spending a night in his arms? So what else was he to do but turn the level C Eiri had been looming over, into something less than dust, right?
The smile only serves to annoy Eiri even more, her eye twitching a bit. "I had something going on there," She continues, still annoyed, as she crosses her arms over her chest. She is leaning against the headboard of her bed.
"Are you quite done?" Kaname asks pleasantly enough.
"No." Eiri says flatly as she slides down so that she's lying on the bed normally, under the covers. "No, I'm not."
"Of course you're not," Kaname says with an indulgent smile, "Silly me"
His reaction comes in the form of Eiri's wine-coloured eyes narrowing, while his own wine coloured eyes meet hers head-on, amused. Of course, since it's Eiri he's dealing with, Kaname's amusement doesn't get to linger for too long. He moves to join the silver haired girl in the bed, but her next words stop him in his tracks.
"You know the couch, right? Well you can get to know it a bit more. Good night." Eiri says in an annoyed fashion, turning her back to him as she pulls the blanket up at her chin.
Wordlessly, Kaname stares at Eiri's back, before he blinks slowly. Did he just... get couched...?

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

Kaname isn't sure how this... thing came to be. After all, not only is he a pureblood, isn't he _the_ pureblood? The one who has roamed the earth for over 10 000 years? The one who has seen all, done all, been through it all?
He tilts his head to the side as he carefully watches the dark brown goo in front of him. Earlier in this life, his dear 'mother' had personally taught him and little Yuuki how to do this, but perhaps, that is where the problem lies...?
"... Kaname," The way Takuma can keep a smile on his face is commendable "I don't think that will make for a proper white day present."
"... Ah," Kaname will have to agree. Even if she'd be a pureblood, Kaname would doubt that Eiri would be able to stay standing if he were to present to her his hand made chocolate. "Perhaps we should... dispose of the evidence,"
Takuma takes out his phone. "I'll call a bomb disposal unit~"
The dirty look Kaname tosses him goes ignored.

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

Her hands in his hair, his lips on her neck- kissing down, her lips on his ear- biting down. Quiet gasps and soft murmurs of words that mean nothing, clothes long forgotten as they move together, almost as if they're trying to melt into each other. The bed is soft, the sheets thick around them, almost as if it's trying to eat them up.
Her neck is bared and the urge to bite it is burning inside of him, but he doesn't. She'd never forgive him if he did (in fact, she'd looked like she'd smack him the first time he suggested it, and the second time, and every time after). He wonders if she does it on purpose; tempt him, yet she always dances just out of his reach. Body, heart; even though he possesses it in this very moment, by the time they finish, so will his hold on her.
He lets out a shaky sigh against her neck, feeling her pulse underneath his lips. He can feel her eyes on him, questioning and yet painfully, sadistically aware.
"You're playing with fire," Kaname murmurs as he can feel her swallow.
Eiri's voice is as much of a murmur as his, "Then how about you play along?"
Kaname's lips curve into a faint smile, tinted with just the slightest bit of sadness. He'd already gotten burned from the moment he laid his eyes on her. Nevertheless, he dives into her again; her skin, her scent, her everything.

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

"I would rather if you wouldn't leave through the window," A quiet order, said with a pleasant smile, even though there is no amusement in his eyes.
Eiri snorts, glancing at Kaname who is still lying in bed, one of her legs already out. "I'll see you around, Kuran,"
"You could get hurt," Kaname continues, his tone light.
"No I can't," Eiri says, raising an eyebrow in amusement. How many times has she leapt down from this high, by now? Too many times, that's how many.
"Or perhaps it's that you don't wish to get seen leaving by room by the others," Kaname's eyes don't leave the girls' form.
Eiri's eyes meet his as she lets the silence stretch for a bit, before she shrugs. "I have class in three hours. Later," she slings her other leg out as well.
"They already know what it is we have, Eiri," Kaname says, the fact that she didn't deny the previous accusation painfully obvious.
"Oh?" Eiri glances back at Kaname. "And what is it that we have, Kuran?"
This time, Kaname is the one who lets the silence stretch on, wordlessly watching her, an unreadable look on his face.
Eiri snorts. "There you go. Later," she raises a hand in good bye, before she jumps out, landing safely on the ground below, before she rushes off.
Kaname slings his arm over his eyes with a quiet sigh. 'What we have... is it...?'  

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