Chapter 5

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  "If we'd be a story, we'd be a fairy tale,"
Kaname glances at Eiri, who is watching TV while sitting on the ground and leaning back against the couch, rather than next to him and leaning against him as he prefers. Something about distractions. Psh, whatever.
A fairy tale - Kaname's mind traces back to the drama that had lead up to them getting at this point. The fights, the arguments. Aren't fairy tales all fluffy and stuff? Personally, Kaname would call it a drama, more than a fairy tale. "I see," he murmurs, his eyes on the girl who is still watching the TV. "How do you percieve that?" Kaname asks, though he's only a breath away from asking how that thought even came to mind, what with the rated horror movie that is playing on the TV right now, no doubt banned in various countries for good reasons (he might be a vampire, but some things are just...)
"Because," Eiri finally tears her eyes away from the TV long enough to toss Kaname a grin that makes Kaname feel warm inside, "I got the prince in the end~"

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

Kaname Kuran can honestly say that he has never had a snowball in his face - up until now. And he is not sure what to make of it, either. The snow slowly slides down his blank face, some flakes sticking to his lashes as he blinks slowly, before his eyes focus on Eiri, who is standing a bit away.
"Yo, Kuran," She greets cheerfully, cheeks flushed with the cold and a grin on her lips. Behind her, Miyako smiles sheepishly, in the middle of making a snowman.
Kaname sighs. He should've expected the cold onslaught. "Good afternoon, Eiri, Miyako," he greets, inclining his head slightly.
The snow is thick on the ground, and up ahead other students are playing in the snow as well. These two, however... Eiri had no doubt leapt over the moon dorm gates again while carrying Miyako (a thing that actually worries Kaname a bit, as they could've slipped on the snow and gotten hurt) and decided to make the untarnished snow of the Moon Dorms their territory.
Well, Kaname can understand that, at least. Other than a few strange looks from night class members who happened to be awake and glancing outside, the two are left in relative peace due to Eiri's association with him.
Kaname is only outside because he'd felt them, and wondered why they lingered outside, rather than come inside as they usually do.
"It appears you two are having..." Kaname tries to search for the right word, "Fun," Is this fun? How is playing out in something cold and wet, fun?
"Yep," Eiri chuckles "Come play with us,"
Kaname raises an eyebrow at this. He's a Pureblood, why would he play in the snow? "I think not," He shakes his head, before turning around to go back to sleep - before finding himself face down in the snow, Eiri on his back.
He hadn't expected that. Should he have expected that? Yes. Yes he should've. But in his defense- who actually tackles Kaname-freaking-Kuran into the snow? Eiri does, that's who.
Eiri's breath is hot on Kaname's ear as she murmurs, "It wasn't a question,"
Kaname doesn't bother suppressing a sigh. Great.

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

"You're like a mamma duck, followed by ducklings,"
Kaname quietly stares at Eiri, ignoring the way how Ruka tenses up in the near distance, and the way Aidou chokes on his spit, before Kain pats the blonde's back.
"... Come again?" Kaname asks, furrowing his brow lightly. Did he just get called a...?
"You heard me," Eiri says, tossing the brunette a cheeky grin.
Kaname stares at Eiri for a few seconds. "And what would you be?" He asks, in the end.
"Mm..." Eiri takes a second to think, before the grin widens. "The cat that's ready to pounce?"

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

"Are you, uhm... dating?"
Miyako looks at Kaname and Eiri, a confused expression on her face. They look like they're dating, whenever they're together. Kaname certainly seems to think so. Eiri on the other hand...
Kaname raises an eyebrow at Eiri, wordlessly demanding an explanation for the answer she has given Miyako.
Eiri huffs, crossing her arms over her chest as she turns her head away stubbornly, wordlessly telling Kaname to shove it.
"I... see...?" Miyako mumbles awkwardly as the tension rises. Quietly, oh so quietly, she starts to move away from the two as the tension gets unbearable for the redhead. She swallows heavily. 'Good luck...' she mentally says, not quite sure who the thought is directed to, before she quickly scurries off, back to hers and Eiri's dorm room.
The silence stretches, and unlike most times Eiri doesn't look like she'll break it in this case. Kaname clears his throat. "I was under the impression that we are," he says, voice calm. He's hiding his annoyance well.
"Yeah, well, we're not," Eiri says flatly.
Kaname raises an eyebrow, his annoyance fed by the confusion that's starting to grow. "How are we not?" They spend time together, go on dates, and have plenty of intimate moments. How are they -not- in a relationship?
"We're not together," Eiri starts to explain in a tone that implies that she's talking to a child. Kaname's annoyance rises "because I haven't asked you out yet,"
Ah, right. Kaname supposes that modern day girls like getting things confirmed. So tiring. In the past it would've been enough to simply act as if you're in a relationship. Where have those good times gone? He suppresses a sigh, "Then, would you like to-"
Miffed at both the interruption and the clear rejection, Kaname sends Eiri a faintly annoyed look. "Pardon?"
"I told you, didn't I?" Eiri smirks up at him, placing a hand on her hip. "We're not together, because -I- haven't asked -you- out,"
Kaname wants to pinch the bridge of his nose, but he refrains, since they're in public. He'll head butt a wall when he's back in his room. "Then, by all means," he says pleasantly enough, through gritted teeth, "go ahead,"
"Oh, I'm not doing it now," Eiri grins cheerfully. "You'll see when I do it."
Kaname's eye twitches lightly, an involuntary reaction. This person... "I suppose I'll just have to wait then,"
"That's right," Eiri chuckles, leaning up and brushing her lips over Kaname's, "You'll just have to wait,"
"Perhaps I should make you wait until then as well," Kaname says dully, breaking the light kiss.
"Hm~ Want to see who will cave first, then?" Eiri chuckles.
Kaname's lips twitch lightly. "I'm very patient," he says simply.
Eiri's lips twist into her usual grin as she leans back, "We'll see," she chuckles before turning and moving away, back into her dorms.
Kaname sighs. Why again, does he put up with this person?
He watches as Eiri glances back over her shoulder, before she grins and raises her hand in a wave.
A faint smile grows on Kaname's lips as he turns and walks off to retreat to his own room, his earlier annoyance melting. Ah, right. That's why.

˙•٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠•˙

"Here, happy birthday,"
Kaname takes the card gingerly, looking it over. It's a fairly generic card, and the back says [One year more and less doesn't matter anymore, right? - xxx Eiri ]
"Thank you," He smiles slightly at Eiri who plops herself down on his bed with the ease of someone who has done so many times before, placing the card on his dresser gently. It's a simple card, and normally wouldn't mean anything, but it's from this person, so-
"You can stop ogling the card now," Eiri snorts.
Kaname shifts his eyes to her, "I was merely admiring your present," he chuckles softly.
"Then you're looking the wrong way, you know?" Eiri smirks when Kaname's eye brow raises slightly in mild confusion. "Because, your -actual- present..." she reaches up, slowly unbuttoning the top button of her shirt, then the next- "Isn't going anywhere alllll day,"
Kaname's lips twist into something that can almost be called a grin, a simple flick of the wrist closing and locking the door as he advances towards the bed. Now that's more like it.  

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