I got You

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He sniffled as the memories came rushing back. All those years of running around, carrying hatred so deep and big in his heart it had practically turned cold.

He had despised him all his life, the pain that man had put his mama through, the feeling of abandonment and the crushing anxiety and fear of turning out just like him. His father.

Drake hadn't realised how important Dennis truly was to him until the news broke out that his father had died. Maybe it was the fact that only three months ago, his mother had sadly passed away, which caused him to feel like the world was trying to punish him.

He sat on the edge of the pavement and watched as cars drove by his apartment periodically. The weather seemed to fit his mood perfectly and the silence of the road calmed him.

His family from his dad's side came down from Memphis to show their support after the funeral. They seemed to suffocate him in his own house, asking the same damn question over and over again. Are you ok? How you holding up? He just felt better being out in the streets wallowing in his own self pity.

He felt the need to be alone, to deal with the pain alone, to live these coming days alone. Bowing his head down resting on his crossed arms that clenched on top of his knees, he sniffled letting the tears drop carelessly until he heard the footsteps of heels clicking against the concrete floor.

Rain drops randomly staining him now abruptly stopping, he froze for a second before sighing.

"Get your ass up Aubrey." She spoke affirmatively crouching as low as she could beside him. Her umbrella big enough to cover the both of them. "Don't pull yourself away from those who love you and surround yourself with those who want to help you baby."

Lifting his head up he looked in to her eyes and snatched his body away from her light grip.

"Go away!"

As short as it sounded, it felt like a wet whip coming in to contact with skin. He seemed so cold and mean.

She sucked her teeth and mushed his head. "You're so fucking rude."

"Good now fuck off."

Gritting her teeth she sat down beside him and punched him against his hard bicep.

"No. I don't want to."

"Onika I'm not in the mood for you. I told your ass I'm not fucking you no more leave me alone." He grumbled making her roll her eyes as she shuffled closer to him, looping her arm through his.

"Unlike the average white person in movies and tv shows I don't see how sex will comfort you in time of sorrow."

"Your sex for sure wouldn't bring me comfort" He muttered underneath his breath which caught Nicki's attention.

"So you're gonna keep hurting me with words like you did your dad and look where that got you." She shrugged feeling him tense up at her words and struggle to continue his adamant role of being a complete dick. " You can push me away all you want but at the end of the day I'm still gonna be right here, next to you."

"Sorry," he expressed, his bitterness dissolving at the thought of truly losing her. Unraveling his arm he slipped it over her shoulder and brought her closer to his damp chest. "I just don't feel like dealing with people right now." He sighed heavily as she pushed herself from the position he put her in and smiled, grabbing his hand.

"I understand, I got you." She winked before helping him up while she got up too. "Let's lock ourselves in your room and just chill, let the music lull us to sleep and deal with everything tomorrow." She grinned, offering a simple solution that seemed to work as a short term effect, a solution he'd gladly take up on for the time being. 


So I was going through my drafts and I was like thinking I should just upload the ones I don't see myself adding anything too cause they're just sitting collecting dust 😂. So here you go a 2016 oneshot that will hopefully close 2017 with a smile.

Hope you enjoy even though it's short.

Like——- comment.... show me some love 😩😘

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