You wanna be Me

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Placing the last of her stationary on the ancient boarding schools rugged beige student desk, her eyes wondered around the room as the habitual group of voices caught her attention with their loud commotion which was routinely done to make their presence known.

She wasn't quite sure whether they were aware of how loud they were, but then again they had always piqued her and every person in the entire boarding school's attention because of how far up in ranking they were. They were, the most popular group.

They always seemed so oblivious to the attention they brought. Stuck in their own little world the fairly large group kept their circle tight knit and became an exclusive community that every person, boy or girl, teacher or student dreamt of entering.

There was one boy in particular that had captured her heart and warmed her soul. She along with almost every single girl in their school she thought, internally sighing.

Aubrey, Drake Graham. A young Jewish boy that was uniquely enticing. He held an image of one who had a heart of gold, his grades had positioned him in the top five billboard league of excelling students and his aura screamed confidence.

She'd never heard him speak, at least not to anyone who wasn't part of his circle or a professor. Yet his eyes held every single answer to the questions that danced around her mind.

No, I won't be your boyfriend.

Yes, I am that great looking.

No, I'm not the one to fall in love that quickly.

Yes, I'll play with your heart and dump you like a cattiye.

As Christopher stood up with a wide grin on his face, his arms moving drastically as he retold a story she assumed and caused the crew to erupt with laughter, her attention was cut short towards the door when the one girl she longed to be, barged in with a purposeful pout gracing her lips.

Her petite figure exuded sexiness as their required school uniform stuck to her wet skin. The white shirt exposing the red laced bra she wore underneath as her black plaited skirt also somehow drenched from the consistent rain outside. Her blue blazer was hidden underneath a massive black Prada rain coat and her hair stuck to her scalp and face almost frizzing up as she swayed her hips from side to side.

She took note of how instead of wearing winter tights Onika decided on some black ankle socks that suited well with her little balenciaga heels.

"Aubrey." Onika squealed, her previous pout turning in to a wide smile as she took further steps in to the classroom. Not even paying attention to the girl who watched her and her group of friends from the side line, she by passed her table and took an empty seat surrounding her crew. "I've had the worse morning ever." She sighed making the group pay attention to her.

"Good morning Onika." Beyoncé sarcastically replied making Rihanna suck her teeth and sit up from her slanted position.

"One of these days you won't even have to act like you can't see us. It'll just be you and Drake alone cause I do- are you even paying attention right now!" Rihanna snapped making Nicki chuckle before rolling her eyes away from Drake to give Rihanna the attention she wanted.

"Of course baby. I was going to get to you guys soon." Nicki replied her dimples poking out as she gave off one of her million dollar innocent smiles.

"Emma." A voice called out to the young white American girl that sat in her corner and watched the group from the sidelines.

"You know she's lying right?" She heard Chris add in the distance, watching him grab his seat to sit down.

"She's not known to sweet talk for no reason now." Jermaine answered keeping his eyes on his sketch book, focusing on the drawing he had been working on for over a month.

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