Guardian Angel

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He licked his bottom lip watching her sniffle, eyes closed and the very thin short transparent laced dress covering her body. The thin strap loose around her arm as she laid braless.

Pulling the duvet over them he watched her a couple of seconds before feeling useless again. Here he was finally with the woman that he loved. The woman that he dreamed of being the one for so long and it all came at the worst possible time.

Nicki and her family had recently been informed of the events of Jelani being charged and arrested for 'alleged' rape , as if things couldn't possibly get any worse; the 'alleged' rape was claimed to be a 12 year old victim.

Nicki's actions seemed to stress her out more. Bailing your big brother out was almost instinct but then the torturing questions maliciously taunted her.

What if he did do it and she bailed him out? It wasn't as if she didn't speak to him though. She didn't flat out ask him, but she could hear the pain and the innocence in his voice. He's innocent.

Drake's hand leaned in to lightly rest upon Nicki's cheek and stroke it with his thumb causing her to exhale loudly as she slowly opened her eyes. The room was dark so they couldn't exactly see each other but the outlines of their bodies as their eyes tried to appropriate to the darkness.

"Onika please stop crying." He softly pleaded, continuously stroking her cheek.

"Aubrey I feel so... so..."She tried to find a perfect word to fit her emotions, but struggled to explain herself. Sighing she pushed his hand away from her and shut her eyes basking in the silence and the known observation he was giving her. Even through the dark moonlit room she could tell his emotions and how he was reacting.

"The people are commenting really nasty things to me Aubrey. They make me feel bad for being there for my brother." She felt the weight in the bed move and pressure towards her side more. Next thing she knew his hands snaked around her waist as he brought her face towards his chest.

"Baby I know how hard it is to ignore comments like that and I don't want you to put on a fake facade. I don't want you to feel like you need to hide what you feel because of what other people might think. You've been put in a difficult position but sadly that's the way life goes. You just need to stick to your brother and do what's right."

"What if he did do it?" She sighed. "What would be the right thing to do then? How do I still stick by his side when..."

"Baby." Drake cooed rubbing her back as if he was apologising for all the worries she'd been going through her entire life. "Sticking by his side doesn't necessarily mean blindly fighting for his innocence even if he's proven guilty. Sometimes giving him the help he needs either prison or medical, is considered sticking by his side."

"It doesn't mean you're abandoning him it means you love him that much you'll do what's best for the situation."

"What kinda sister lets her brother get caught up like this?"

Furrowing his brows Drake cupped Nicki's chin with his hand and pushed it back for her to 'look' up at him. "Nicki promise me you'll stop blaming yourself."

"Promise me." He insisted with more of an authoritarian tone when she tried to remove her face from his hold.

"Bu-" She started but was interrupted by his deep voice cutting her off. "No Nika. In life there will be circumstances beyond your control that you won't be able to get a handle of. And that's ok cause life isn't perfect you're not suppose to be able to know everything and be able to fix everything you're not superwoman."

"Sometimes time heals almost everything. Give time time. However good or bad a situation is it will change. What other people think of you is not your business nor your priority to worry about. Forgive everyone everything. No one is in charge of your happiness except you... and me of course." He added getting a slight laugh off her.

" How you gonna tell me I should forgive everyone everything when you still holding a grudge over some stupid tweets."

"Don't know what you're talking about." Drake retorted deciding to act dumb not wanting to touch upon that subject. Rolling to his side caused Nicki to roll off him and on top her side of the bed.

"Charged Up, Back 2 Back! Do I need to say his name." She joked as she watched his lips move. "No I'm good thank you though." Kissing her on the cheek twice he fake yawned before speaking again.

"If you don't have anything important to say Imma fall asleep on your ass."

"Thank you though." Nicki thanked as she let her arm drape over the side of his face. "Talking to you about this every night for the last week and a half has made me appreciate you more than I can ever put in words. You're boyfriend skills are on fleek." She joked causing them both to chuckle.

"Show me then." He flirted rubbing his hand on the side of her leg up and down. "Uh uh. This is when you start playing too much."

He sucked his teeth before fanning her off. "Aight you can keep pretending you don't want this dick. But we know the real truth." Closing his eyes he exhaled dramatically as he felt sleep knocking at his door.

"Boy bye. Ain't no one wanna ride your dick." Nicki lied sensing his smirk as she saw him shift before settling.

"Ok." He replied causing Nicki to furrow her brows. There was no way he was giving in that easily unless he was patronising her. "Don't do that." She whined lightly punching him, she only got even more frustrated when he didn't reply.

"Good night beautiful." He spoke after a few more seconds. Pouting she sighed defeated before climbing on top of him and laying down. "Good night baby." She replied stroking his beard blindly as her eyes closed and his arms wrapped around her ass. "I love you Onika." He gently spoke kissing the top of her head. "Whatever the situation I'll be there for you."

He felt her smile on his chest as her lips puckered against his naked chest feeling tingly. "You're the only man I'd die for without thinking twice."

This really is a short oneshot. Touching up on the allegations and connecting it to the picture and dricki. ✌️

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