Sex Tape With Him (My Bestfriend)

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"Onika" Beyonce whispered harshly panicked, taking a seat on the empty table next to Onika she looked around frantically to see that the library was quite clear. Then again it was lesson and it was rare for most students to boldly bunk.

The library felt like the movies, vast and eccentric. They were far from the librarian and the few kids that were in the library were walking around looking for books or a few tables away typing on their MacBooks and listening to music through their headphones.

Nicki was about to say something when she saw Drake come out from one of the library isles with three books in hand and his camera in hand. He looked up knowing already Nicki was there and smiled walking over.

Beyonce looked in that direction and her worry increased as her eyes widened. He sat opposite the two and laid his books on the table in plain site for any nosey person to see... Meaning Nicki. Of course the books was talking about woman and their physical, mental and emotional states.

"What's up?" He spoke softly careful to not be too loud in case the librarian caught them speaking or even their mouths moving. "Nothing much playboi. We just out here." She winked watching his eyes travel down to her chest and bite his lip.

Beyonce cleared her throat catching his attention and causing his cheeks to redden. "Hey Bey." She kept staring at him without replying until Nicki carefully nudged her tryna be discreet.

"He said hey."

"And I heard."

Furrowing his brows he shrugged clueless and collected his books again. "Well I'm heading to my dorm got a lot of editing to do and studying of course." He added knowing Nicki would lecture him if he wasn't focusing on his studies. "Nic you still comin' over tonight?" He asked.

Nicki's eyes widened and she tried to discreetly to point to Beyonce with her eyes as if to say why you making it so obvious.

"No the fuck she won't" Bey hissed. "She could get suspended for being in the boys dorm after dark why would you even ask that of your best friend, if that's how you even view each other."

Feeling uncomfortable and scolded as he looked up to both Beyonce and Nicki he loved their personalities he just didn't understand what he could have possibly have done to make Bey so mad.

"I was just asking?" He spoke softly with a small pout across his lips. Nicki slapped Bey on her arm giving her a cold glare. "Actually I can't make it after tutoring August anyways I was thinking I'd head straight to my dorm I'm so tired from the weekend that just went by."

"Oh. That's cool." He brushed it off "uh... I'll see you tomorrow maybe."

"Sure. Text me though. Just cause I won't be with you tonight don't mean you shouldn't do your homework Aubrey." Her motherly advise brought a smile across his face. He leaned over the table and kissed the corner of Nicki's lips. "Yes mama."

Beyonce rolled her eyes and looked away waiting impatiently for him to take his corny ass on.

Once he straightened himself he debated on kissing Beyonce on the cheek too but from her foul mood decided against it. "Uh..." He started again scratching behind his head. "Bye Bey."

Sucking her teeth she didn't even give him eye contact before staring at Nicki. "We need to talk. Now. Privately."

Getting the hint Drake sighed and made his way towards the librarian to take the books out. Nicki sucked her teeth pretty loudly and stood up pushing her chair back. Collecting her MacBook and the only book she had already taken out from the library including her purse she walked out of the small space between her chair and the table.

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