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It's been more than 3 years since we've been divorced. Though I never admitted to anyone, I do miss her like hell. My parents have given me hell demanding me as to why I had divorced such a sweet girl and when I told the reason they weren't even ready to believe me. Have I done something wrong? I mean she was my wife for god's sake and I simply denied hearing it from her mouth because I was too prideful for my own good wanting to believe in pictures rather than my own wife. I've maintained a record of what she's doing and whom she has been meeting or talking for the past 2 years and to find out if she was really stating the truth of her not cheating on me.

She did not contact my brother even once, nor did my brother try to contact her making me think if I really was deluding myself into thinking that she cheated on me when she actually did not. But, if she did not why would she be naked under those sheets when I clearly remember her being dressed when I lay her down over there and how come my brother was in my home when he hardly is in New York? I mean, I love my brother and all but she being naked along with him. It's just so weird and it's obvious that anyone will think that they must've had sex, even her hair was like that and her dress was all over the floor along with his. I've demanded an explanation from David regarding it and he said that he doesn't remember anything as he was drunk by the time he came home and somebody pushed him into the shower. The question is if he did not remember nor did she. Who could have an ulterior motive and why? He liked her like a sister when I first introduced her to my family. In fact, he was the only one who really liked her and stated that she was gonna be his partner in crime.

When I asked my maid and security, they said that no one except my brother came into my house which means that they actually did something or not? I don't even know what to believe and what not to. I loved her with everything I had and she simply slept with him? I know I loved her and so did she. I was not simply deluding myself into thinking that she did not love because she did not accept me soon enough as she had trust issues. Maybe, she fell out of love? I don't think so because I felt that she's innocent. I don't even know why I slept with Annabelle, I just wanted to remove my anger on someone and she was there at that time. Besides, I was too drunk to remember who she was. After my divorce, I drunk myself to death and there was Alayna in front of me begging me to take her back again and I simply had sex with her, after which I passed out. When I woke up the next morning there was Annabelle next to me in the same dress Alayna wore the before day and Ally was nowhere to be seen. Then I remembered the before night when I had sex. I thought it was Alayna when it was actually Annabelle but I remember her saying that she was pregnant. I don't even know if it really is mine.

My detective was telling that there was no trace of her when he went to check on her home one day. It was like she vanished from the surface of the earth. But I do remember him telling that she was aiding some family who met with an accident. Not that I care what she does, but I presume they are some rich people and she was merely helping them so as to get into their good looks so that they will be ever so grateful towards her and give her some money for her hospitality. I don't really care anymore. Let her go to hell.

There was a guy who visited her all the time and even during her pregnancy. I've done a background check on that guy and the funny thing is that I haven't found anything on him. It's like he appeared from thin air. She has a baby boy now and I often wonder at night if it's mine? I just don't understand. There was only this guy who was tending to her pregnancy but they never shared any kind of intimacy except for hugs and kisses on cheek or forehead when she was feeling low according to my detective. What are those pictures and what was it that I saw in my house that day? Honestly, I don't even know what to believe anymore. Did she not cheat on me? 

If that's a no, who would send those pictures to me and who would willingly set my brother and wife in my own home? She did not even contact her previous friends. I mean they did after they found out that she had been divorced but they did it out of pity and never bothered to visit her later. It was even the guy Drake who assisted her during her pregnancy and I was surprised to find out that a top gynecologist has attended to her pregnancy. She was in town only for her operation and I wonder how she got in touch with her. I still wonder how she disappeared from the face of the earth though. I heard that her parents died in a car crash, not more than a year ago and after a year she aided that family. I wonder where and how she is now. Though she isn't worthy of my pity, I can't help it. She was my wife and the only love of my after all. She may have done mistakes but so did I, by sleeping with a girl in front of her. I don't admit but, it's like hell without her. There's this void she left in my heart. I'm not able to enjoy anything. I became a shell of a person after she left. I still love her but the hate I built towards her overpowered it. Though she did not really cheat on me, I don't even know if she slept with my brother. She did not remember anything nor did my brother making it difficult for me to blame anyone. My maid and security said that they did not see anyone coming but how did they get the pictures if there was no one? This is one big mystery which I don't know if I want to be disclosed.

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