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Being with a loved one is always what anyone wants more than anything. But it won't be the same when we feel insecure with ourselves thinking if it really is true and if we really deserve all the happiness we receive. Not that we'll take it for granted. We strive as hard as we can to let the happiness to remain with us. It was like that with me too. I mean I love Alayna and so does she, but I think that it's too good to be true at times. In fact, so much that we can't live without each other even for a while or a day for that.

I'll always remember her as the black haired beauty which caught my eye when I was attending The Thompsons and she dashed into me literally and did not even spare a glance at me except for saying a sorry. She was different from all the women I met at that time. I mean sure I met women who were power hungry or simply to get a night with me in my bed or sophisticated women who wanted a business deal for something or the other. But, she had an innocence which no one else had and it attracted me immensely into her and I did what any person who wants a woman does. I made sure that her job was removed in that company and appointed her in mine. One thing that I observed in her was that she does whatever work she gets perfectly. She was a beauty with brains but did not realize it. I promoted her within a few months of her joining in my company, not that anyone will question me or something. I was the CEO after all. I got to know more about her in those months and I asked her to be my girlfriend after taking her out on few dates and to my horror she rejected me.

Now, you may think that I destroyed her because she rejected me being a billionaire and all. I must say that I was furious at first but when I got my private investigator on her, I got to know that she never had a boyfriend much to my joy and she hated playboys. Well, you must've understood what I did next. I made her understand that I love her and not any other and she accepted me in the other few dates that followed and I married her after a year on the same day she accepted my proposal which was ironically the same day I saw her.

Though she was innocent she never took disrespect nicely and put them in their place which was nice because it would be really nice if a woman who can't take care of herself. Not that I was saying that she needs to fight and all but she knows how to defend her self if anyone speaks against her and can divert a topic safely without being mean to anyone.

I was trying to make her breakfast as I was not able to spend time with her these past few days when I turn around and meet her trying to remove the sleep from her face by rubbing her eyes when she runs to the sink all of a sudden. Wandering in the direction of her retreating form, I reach the sink only to see her puking out her guts. Removing the hair from her face, I was about to ask her what was wrong when she ran to our bedroom immediately to brush her teeth. Demanding that she lay down I go get a glass of water and ask our maid to get the breakfast ready while I call for our family doctor when I receive a call from my company asking me to reach there at once as there is some emergency meeting by my dad. Frowning I go into our bedroom where the love of my life was sleeping blissfully. Not having the heart to wake her up from the deep slumber as I might have tired her last night I ask the maid to deliver her breakfast and stay until I come back.

Reaching the company after getting ready in ten minutes I see that the meeting is already done and there was no need for me to come. Well, that was what at least my dad told me. Then, who called me? and why did they call me? Whatever, I think and reach my home where I find the main door open and the maid was gone when I specifically asked her to stay until I return. Something's really wrong. Nor Alayna or our maid leave the door open. Reaching our bedroom, I find Alayna sleeping peacefully naked? and my brother coming out of our washroom with only a towel and messy hair.

"What the hell is this David?" I shout when Alayna wakes up from her slumber. "What happened Andrew?" asks Alayna in the same melodic tone in which I fell in love with. "What do you mean what happened Alayna? Why are both of you naked?" I ask as she holds her head and looks confusingly at me. "I can't believe the audacity you both have. Was I truly not enough for you Ally that you had to do it with my brother?" I shout with rage while Alayna is looking at me as if I've grown another head. "What are you talking Andrew? How could you even think that? Of course, I love you. Why on earth will I cheat on you? That too with your brother? Do you think so low of me?" she asks while trying to wake up but see's that she doesn't have clothes on and gives me a horrified expression while clutching the bed sheet closer to her. "How the hell am I naked in this bed?" she asks more to herself. Now she plays the innocent victim huh? She's really stupid if she thinks she can fool me with it.

"Now tell me the infamous dialogue of It is not what you think it is Alayna! I'm waiting" I say impatiently. I've given her everything, my undivided attention when I felt that I was not spending time with her, treated her with holidays and even showered her with gifts. What was left to show that I love her? I guess she doesn't really love if she went and slept with my own brother where we spent many nights cuddling and making love. This is the limit, I mean how can she even think of doing it? Let alone with my brother!

"Andrew, please listen to me. I fainted after having my breakfast and I just woke up. I swear Andrew, please believe me" says Alayna pathetically. If she thinks she can make me think that it's not true, she's mistaken.

"If it was only brother coming with only a towel, maybe I would've believed it, Alayna. But you're practically naked and I don't even know what to believe. I.. I just need some time and David I'm truly disappointed with you" I say and walk away for a long drive to let the rage consume me whilst thinking what was the sin I committed that Alayna had to cheat on me with him.

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