7: Familiar Scent

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"Good morning you two!" Novara's sweet singsong voice rang from her spot on a very comfortable looking brown couch. She was wearing a fluffy canary yellow night robe over her pajamas and fuzzy brown slippers which looked almost comically like bear paws.

"Morning mum." Aka yawned and rubbed her right eye, not realizing that her other hand was loosely wrapped around Eli's.

Novara took notice of their hands and chuckled inwardly to herself.

"H-Hey Mrs.-" Eli began, only to be cut off by Novara

"Call me Novara." She chirped

"Alright. Novara?"

"Yes dear?"

"Could we get some breakfast please?"

Novara's face lit up. "Of course dear! Make yourself at home!"

Calypso came tiredly dragging her feet out from her hallway. She glanced down at Aka and Eli's hands, smirking at them as she looked from Aka's indifferent face to Eli's scarlet one.

Arios and Duncan smelled their mother's cooking and rushed stumbling over their own feet into the main living area. By this time, Aka having caught her sister's expression, had let go of Eli's hand and instead stood with her arms hanging relaxed by her side.

Calypso was desperately trying to suppress a snicker as she silently pondered ship names for her sister and Eli. She would save those for later to playfully tease Aka.

After breakfast, Eli grabbed Aka's hand and dragged her towards the main entrance to the den.

"Can't miss this." Calypso though, stealthily sneaking around a corner downwind so that they couldn't see or smell her.

"I think my father came here last night." Eli said, now gripping both of Aka's hands in his own, much smaller ones.

Aka seemed to shrink when Eli said this, and her brown eyes turned sad in a rare show of emotion.

Eli's hands were now gripping Aka's forearms.

"How can you be so sure?" Aka said, her eyes turning hard again and she regained her towering posture.

"There was a leftover scent from last night, and it didn't smell like a rouge had killed my father and still had his scent, I would have smelled rouge through it." Eli visibility flinched

Aka crouched down to Eli's level and enveloped Eli in a warm hug, their hands knotting in the back of each other's shirts.

"I understand you have to go back to your pack, Eli, but I'll miss you." Aka muttered into the crook of Eli's neck.

She broke the hug almost too quickly for Eli's taste. "How about we go together!" Aka exclaimed.

"R-Really?" Eli sputtered, looking into Aka's eyes with his own.

"Yeah! Just you and me! I'll let my mum know. She'll understand." Aka reassured Eli.

Eli hugged Aka again. "Thank you." He muttered.

The pair turned to head back inside when they were confronted by a very smug looking Calypso.

"Thinking about going off alone?" She widely smirked at her sister, "without me?" Calypso pulled her best puppy dog eyes.

"Why should we bring you? It is none of your business." Aka said, seemingly immune to Calypso's puppy dog eyes.

Calypso humphed at them and walked back inside looking defeated.

Aka and Eli followed soon after Calypso. They retreated into Aka's room to think.

"So when do you plan on leaving?" Aka asked

"Wh- not very soon." Eli stammered, looking at the bed he sat on, "there are things I need to, um, do before I leave."

"Like what?"

Eli's face turned bright red and he began to cough slightly, so Aka decided not to bother him on the matter.

"Mate!" Eli's wolf shouted in his mind, "she's your mate!" Eli, if possible, flushed even redder at his wolf's declaration and avoided eye contact with Aka. Little did he know that Aka's bear was growling the same thing into her brain, causing a pink flush to appear on her cheeks.


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