Age 5

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~Age 5~

How exciting! Neither of the boys ever thought about this possibility before. Watching the older men put it together with power tools and bare strength made the excitement grow. Both boys were sure they has never been so excited for anything! However, they were merely five years of age anyway.

Nail after nail, board after board until finally, it was finished. One of the men leaned the sturdy latter against the foot side and turned his head to face the two twin brothers.

"There you go, boys. A hand made bunkbed, just like you wanted. Happy birthday." The man looked at the two others standing with him and motioned them out of the room.

A woman stood in the doorway once the working men had cleared. She was a lovely young woman with clean cut and curled short brown hair, just to her neck. Pulling back her side bangs was a small green flower barrette, matching her beautiful green eyes that sparkled and shimmered like emeralds.

Pink lips curled upward in a gentle smile as she watched her two young sons giggle in anticipation.

Both boys turned to the lovely woman and ran toward her. The taller of the boys grasped at his mothers flower printed skirt and tugged lightly, gazing up into her bright green eyes with his own orange fire like ones.

"Mama! Can we get on it now! It's ready, right?!" The shorter brother bounced on his heels, nodding rapidly. Emerald eyes clashed with emerald eyes, creating a matching reflective pool of the lovely color.

"Yeah, can we?!" The mother chuckled softly and ran her hands into both the boy's soft black hair.

"Yes boys, go on!" The two brothers looked at each other and ran toward the bed, stopping before diving at it.

Their mother laughed again softly, watching them look at each other. She felt proud to be their mother. The woman was proud to be the wife of Octavius Garth and to be the mother of two lovely twin boys.

Even though they were twins, they weren't completely identical. Azarius had about half an inch on his brother Sebastian. Plus, they had different eyes. While Sebastian possessed the kind relaxing emeralds of his mother, Azarius's eyes were a rare bright orange like his fathers, which were half the reason Everette fell in love with him.

Now, only ten years later, she was living with him in this lovely estate that was worth more than half the city itself. What a lovely home, what a lovely life, what lovely children...

"Wait wait!" Sebastian sputtered, putting his hand out to block his twin from the bed. Slowly, he turned to face the other boy, staring into those bright orange irises.

"We haven't picked who gets top and who gets bottom..." Azarius blinked, his eyes bright with thought.

"Hmm... Well I'm older and taller. So I should get the top bunk." Sebastian blinked, not disagreeing to any of the statements.

"But don't you think you should think about it a little more?" Azarius quirked an eyebrow.

"How come? Top bunk means king, alpha, supreme! That's me! I'm alpha!" Sebastian frowned.

"Hey, we're equal, ok? I don't really want the top anyway." The taller twin narrowed his eyes in suspicious confusion.

"So then why'd you ask?" Sebastian frowned deeper, shifting his weight to one foot and fidgeting a little.

"I want you to sleep wherever you feel safest." Azarius suddenly burst out laughing, startling his brother who was completely serious.

"Seb, did all of the smart go to me in mama's belly? The top is obviously safest!" Sebastian's head rose to peer at the top bunk, the frown unmoving.

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