Age 15

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~Age 15~

Sebastian wailed in pain and fell to the floor, hitting his head on the tile. He grasped his nose which was now gushing and grunted loudly. Looking up with bright emerald eyes, Sebastian's gaze fixed on the high school junior with balled fists, standing over him. Fear washed over the sophomore, making him flinch again and attempt to rationalize with his attacker.

"Jason, please listen. I was not trying to steal her back, I promise. Anne and I are just good friends now. It is all in the past!" The blonde basketball player scrunched up his face and raised his foot, slamming it into Sebastian's chest, making the ravenette lose his breath.

"Bullshit! You think I'd believe those lies?!" He kicked him again and Sebastian grunted, still holding his nose. He wouldn't fight back.

"J-Jason! I am telling you the truth!" The blonde reached down and grabbed Sebastian by the shirt, slamming him against the wall. The junior's knuckles were clenched and sharp, making Sebastian feel like they were piercing his throat.

"Oh really?! Then how do you explain the texts I found on her phone?!" Jason shoved the phone in his face. The bright light made Seb wince, but then he remembered.

Last night, he had been texting Anne, his former girlfriend whom he ended the relationship on good terms with. The conversation suddenly took a turn when Anne began explaining how Jason wasn't right for her. When Sebastian suggested for her to break up with him, Anne's next text had his head spinning. It read,

No! He'll be so upset. You know how he has such a temper... And it's not just that I don't want to be with him. Seb, I miss you! I miss our movie nights, and our long talks, and you. I miss kissing you, Seb. I miss you so much... Maybe I could meet you somewhere. Like at lunch tomorrow and we could just have a little time to ourselves... Please?

Sebastian's face went white. He didn't respond to Anne's text. Of course he wouldn't agree. He didn't even want to be with Anne anymore, but that offer had him so shocked that he had to ask Azarius for advice (which his older brother was thrilled to give). His twin instructed him not to answer her over text and tell her no in person like a true man. He planned to do so when lunch rolled around, but sadly never got the chance. Anne was nowhere, and by the time he had given up looking, the halls had cleared, and only one other person stood in them, face already red, Anne's newly cracked phone in his hand. And now...

Sebastian's head slammed hard against the walls, disorienting him and making him grunt loudly in pain.

"J-Jason I promise that it is not what it appears! Will you please hear me out?!" The blonde threw Sebastian into the wall again.

"No! I will not hear you out! You lied to me! She lied to me! I thought we were friends, man! BUT I GUESS I CAN'T TRUST ANYONE!!!" Jason raised a fist and slammed it hard into Sebastian's right eye. He punched him again and again until he had broken the boy's nose and blood was painting his face.

Jason shoved the emerald eyed sophomore onto the tile and got on top of him, one hand on his throat, squeezing it just enough to hurt, but not enough to constrict his windpipe. He raised his bloodied hand again.

"I didn't want to have to do this to you... I liked you dude. We were cool, but you betrayed me..." Jason's hand shot down, but instead of colliding with Sebastian's face, it stopped. In the heat of the moment, neither of them heard the clamor of steps nearing them both at an alarming pace.

Before he knew what was happening, Jason was on his back against the tile ground, slammed by a dark figure with dark intentions.

"GET OFF OF MY BROTHER!!!" Shouted the shadow with fiery orange eyes, burning through his enemy in rage as his fist collided with the jaw of the jock.

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