Chapter 13 - The roles have switched

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Len's POV

It's happening... FINALLY!!!

The water was wildly flowing through the turbins. I could imagine the town being crushed under its enormous power.

The beast in my stomach, I was waiting for it to disappear, as always.

Just one more second.

Just one more...

Why won't it go away?

Have I done this for NOTHING?!

No, it can't be... No!

Everything will be okay, I'm sure...

But it's still not going away.

Damn it... Why?!


Looking at the town that will be chrushed under the water pressure didn't make me happy at all... But the cat said that would be the ultimate win.

They'll lose thier houses. A lot of people will be hurt. Some of them might die.

Thinking about this made me... sad?

It was more that I felt guilty. Why did I do this at all? Other people's calamity can't make me happy... Why did I think it would?

Oh, the black cat.

It was right next to me. It stared at me with its eyes. They weren't as big as they were before. It opened the mouth:


"That won't work on me any more" I answered.

Its eyes became smaller.

It started talking. It said I should felt proud for what I did. It said nobody mattered.

But I thought of all the friends I had... Well, the friends I used to have, but hurted them, I am not good enough to be their friend.

I thought of Ia, Meiko, Luka, Gumi... I thought of my best pal, Gakupo, and my rival, Kaito. I thougt of my... my... friend.. Miku.

And of my beautiful sister, Rin.

The cat sarted barking. It sounded like a dog, actually. It was in pain!

"I have to stop this, kitty" I got to the crank. If it opened the turbins in one way, then it should close them in the other, right?

I tried pulling it. But it was stuck, I couldn't move it. I gave my best to make that mechanism work... I know the water pressure is big, but it can deffinitely be stopped!

Ah! It moved!

I pulled as hard as I could. It moved slowly. But it was working!

Suddenly, the cat jumped on me and bit my hand. I let go of the crank and hit the cat. Its bite really hurted a lot. I had bloody marks on my right hand of its teeth.

The cat looked sick. Really sick. I knew the reason.

I pulled again. The cat screamed. It was in such a huge agony. It looked at me with hatred and fear.

And it turned into steam.

It disappeared.

I knew it wouldn't come back ever again. It's its final end. It had finally died.

Such a relief.

But then I felt stabbing between ribs and I got a punch in the face.


Rin's POV

I fucking hate that smile on his face... I mustn't let him get what he wants! But I don't know how to stop all of this.

I'm tied up here, I can't do anything! I have to free myself... If I only had something sharp to cut these ropes..

Wait... Didn't he leave his knife somwhere here?

I looked around, as much as I could from the position I was at. The knife was thirty centimeters from my right hand. I think I can get it if I strech my arm enough...

But it's hard. These ropes are so strong.

A little bit more... One centimeter... Yes! I got it!

I cut all the ropes I could with one hand. It freed my right arm, and I freed the rest of my body in a few seconds. I stood up.

He was on the other side, next to that crank. If I could push him into the water...

I had the knife. And he didn't. A smile appeared on my face.

I ran at him. He probably didn't notice me, because he didn't react. He was too busy speaking to himself.

I stapped him in the stomach, and punched him at the same time. He fell on the ground, but not over the edge. His head was only leaning above the water.

I dtopped the knife and it disappeared in the waves. It doesn't matter anymore. I can punish him with my hands only, I don't need any weapons.

I put my hands around his neck and started strangling him.

He was fighting, trying to move my hands from his neck, but he couldn't do it. He was always stronger than me, but this time, I was winning. I got an unbeliavable strenght from nowhere...

"See!" I shouted at him. "Now, the roles are switched!"

His eyes were closed as he was doing everything he could to get air.

Oh, you are finally going to pay for everything you did! My revenge has come!

His Adam's apple was twitching under my hands. He was desperate.

"Feel the pain that they felt when you hurted them! Paradichlorobenzene is going down!"

His hands became weaker. He was losing oxygene slowly.

I heard the sound of sirens in the distance. The police is coming. I have to finish this fast, or else...

I pushed him hard towards water. He put his hands on the ground trying to stay on it, but I was too strong.

Our fight was long. I bet the police will be here in a few minutes.

I have to finish this NOW!

I pushed as hard as I could. He still wasn't giving up!

I kicked him. That was the end for him. He fell over the edge, and his trip to the wild water lasted only a second, but it looked like a hundred of years to me.

Because our eyes met.

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