Settling in

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"How is it," Sylvia's shrill voice yelled from the other line, "did you meet anyone, have you found your apartment, is it bad like we thought? Come on, tell me!" Sylvia finished, taking a deep breath. I laughed at her enthusiasm which caused my heart to break slightly. I missed her enthusiasm over the littlest things. Just another thing I loved her to death for.

"Well," I started, trying to remember all of her questions she'd rambled out at me just a few seconds before. "It's amazing here, so beautiful. No I haven't met anyone yet, but I did find my apartment and oh my gosh, it's astounding."

I finish and look up at the ceiling, which held an elegant light fixture in what I'd concluded was the living room/dining room. The wallpaper was a beautiful flower design, and not the kind you found in an old house or in a discount store. The black and gray flowers popped out against the white background, which made the whole thing look graceful in its own sort of way. It matched with the window frames, which were painted a mint green with intricate designs etched in the wood. The floors were wooden, which only added more to the delicate touch of the whole 2 room, 2 bath apartment.

"Like, your astounding or mine?" The skepticism in her was evident, but I ignored it.

"It's not a castle, Sylvia. It's a quaint and elegant apartment complex." I say to her, my tone slightly scolding her for being so judgmental of a place she'd never been.

"Okay...okay, I'm sorry. I just want to be sure you're getting everything you wanted." Sylvia rarely said things like this to me because we'd known each other so long, we already knew it. Nonetheless, I loved hearing it. "I know, Syl. That's why I love ya," I yelled into my phone, giggling. "And you better never forget it. I'm psycho," she rebutted with a giggle of her own. With that, we said our goodbyes and ended the conversation with a click. I smiled down at my phone at the thought of the girl I'd grown accustom to over several years.

Making my way around the apartment, I fell even more love with it. For one, the kitchen was a good size and since I'm usually happy-go baker, that was a huge attraction from the get go. The counters were a sort of brown and white granite with red cherry wood cabinets and a giant island in the middle of the tan tiles that covered the floor with a cutting board top and cherry wood cabinets underneath. The sink was stainless steel and I was ecstatic that the sink nozzle pulled out to be used as the sink's hose.

As I walked out of the kitchen I made my way into a small hallway with four doors: two on the left and two on the right. Well let's see what's exactly in these rooms, Charlotte. I walked onto tan carpet that lined the hallway and stopped in front of the first door on the left. All of the doors, excluding the front door, were wooden, painted white, and had golden knobs. I turned the golden knob and noted how easily it turned for the apartment being vacant for 2 years.

Inside, were shelves and hooks and some dust that has been collecting for a couple of years. Closet, got it. Directly behind me was another door with the same look as the other only it looked slightly older than the other doors. Turning the knob, I found one of the rooms of the apartment.

I wandered in, weary of any furry friends that had taken up residency since it's been vacant. I kept my guard up until I was fully in the room. It was gorgeous. The walls were a maroon color with white trim around the room. I looked towards a white painted window that gave a view of the building right next to mine. Not very eventful, but still a window. On one of the doors of the closet was a full body mirror and I noticed my reflection. I'd always been a petite woman, though my body curved in the right places. My auburn was softly curled and my outfit, a slightly baggy white sweater with a brown scarf matched with light wash skinny jeans and brown boots, made my chestnut brown eyes pop out and look even brighter than before. Walking towards the closet, I mentally prepared myself for something to run out when I opened it. I flung open the door and covered my face, when nothing happened I let my guard down to see a decently sized closet. Perfect for Syl when she comes to visit.

With that, I make my way out of that room to the last door on the right. I walked in and saw a beautiful décor surrounding the room. The counter was large with a sink square in the middle, which made my OCD extremely happy. I turned around and saw a toilet tucked away behind a wall. There was a small window almost above the toilet, I assumed to let out some steam after a shower. In front of the toilet was a bath tub and a shower, separated. I raised an eye brow at the oddness of this and shrugged it off. "It's like my mom always told me," I said to no one in particular, "if it gets the job done, it doesn't matter how it looks." I smile at the thought of my mother. I know we didn't always get along, but she was my mom; I'd love her forever no matter what happened.

I made my way to the last door, turned the knob, and pushed the door open. It was breathtaking. The room was huge; how they managed to fit a room of that size into an apartment astounded me to no end. I stumbled into the room in wonderment. I lazily turned around, trying not to miss any details of the fine room. The walls were maroon with white trim, like the last one, but this one had golden designs all the way around the center of the walls. There were two windows, both of them over looked New York and it, somehow, made the room better. I could the see the cars and people moving, but because of how high I am, hearing them was impossible; I considered it peaceful.

Once I'd stopped gapping, I noticed two doors in the room itself. Puzzled, I walked over to one and threw it open to find a walk in closet. There was a full body mirror, shoe racks, hanging racks, an ironing board, and cubby holes for other affections. I instantly became giddy at the site of the closet. "I've always wanted one!" I whispered scream like a little girl. Excited to see what the next door was, I half walked- half ran to it.

Opening the door, I yet again lost my breath. Directly in front of me was a towel rack that hung on a tan wall. Beside it, was I closet that I'd assumed was supposed to hold towels, wash cloths, medicine, and other things I'd put in there to move. As I fully entered the room, trying to contain my excitement, I saw a giant counter with a sink in it that sat on cheery wood cabinets. As I turned around, slightly to my left, there was a bath tub/shower combination and let me tell you, it was magnificent. One, the bath tub, I believed, could hold at least 4 people with ease. Two, it was one of the new shower heads that could change pressure and such. Lastly, I had counters inside the shower for your showering things such as shampoo, conditioner, so on and so forth. Little ways from the tub was a toilet and it literally looked like a porcelain throne. Perfectly white and looking brand new like it'd never been used. I'm going to keep this room extra spotless. I thought to myself as I walked out of the room entirely and made my way back to the kitchen where I'd left all my things.

I laid down in the middle of the living room/dining room and grinned like my life depended on it. I could get used to this. Just as I started to relax, there was a knock at the front door. I eyes had shot open and I sat up. I had to be imagining things, I didn't know- KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. On the other hand, someone could at the door. I stood up and hastily made my way to the door. I grabbed the handle and swung it open to find a man in a causal shirt, jean, and boots standing there.

"Hello," he said with a deep voice and a smile, "welcome to the building. May I come in, ma'am?"

I smiled back at him and nodded, gesturing to the room behind me. "Of course, sir." He walked past me and I closed the door behind him. I made my way over to him and looked out the same window he was.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked him to see if I could get a feel as to what kind of person he was. "Yes it is," he answered, causing me to turn and notice that he was staring directly at me. I looked away, hoping he won't see me starting to blush and tucked my hair behind my right ear: a habit I obtained when I was a little girl.

Meanwhile, the whole universe was conspiring to make this man very important in my life. I just hadn't known it yet.

Author's Note

I know I said I wouldn't be able to post, I lied. Surprise! I tried to add as many details as possible to this story. And most of the pictures are at the top. Hope you like it!


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