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Arabella"I heard someone scream my name.

Ethan roared at the voice .

"Get The Fuck Away From Her." I could here the menace in his tone

"I'm so sorry my little mate but we have to go now" then I completely blacked out.

When I woke up . I immediately felt all the aches and pain in my body. I couldn't help but think that this was my second time of me waking up in pain.

God I hope this didn't become a habit.
I slowly opened my eyes only to see nothing but darkness.

What the..

"Hello?" I called out. I sat up realizing that I was laying on a very comfy bed. As soon as I was sitting up straight I felt all the blood rush to my head causing an immediate headache.

I always got migraines in school.
But never any thing like this. I grabbed at my hair, knowing I was only making things worse. At this very moment I was scared. I didn't know where I was and I didn't know why my body was hurting so much.

The last thing I remember was talking to an angel . An angel with vivid eyes .. that changed color?

"My angel." I said aloud as if actually saying it would make it true.

I wanted to scream I wanted to run. I needed to get out of there now . Tears ran down my face and I couldn't move my body at the pace that I needed. I started panicking. I could feel my heart beating and hear the blood rushing through my ears. My eyes stung and my breathing started to quicken. My hands found their way to my throat grabbing it and rubbing it.

I felt like I was slowing being pulled underwater by a 100 pound anchor. Such a familiar feeling.

"Help .. Please" those were the only words I could get out .

..Nobody is going to help you. You're going to die here alone just like you deserve..

I began shaking violently, the tears falling like rain at this point. My throat was burning and I knew I would have scratch marks on my neck.

I just couldn't calm down the fear and confusion enveloped me and I felt completely alone.

I need to get out. Now

The darkness made that task very difficult. But nevertheless I swung my very, very weak legs over the side of the bed making sure they touched the floor. As soon as I tried to stand up my legs gave out on me. I hated being so weak all the time. I was now collapsed on the floor still crying and breathing very short breaths. My hair was thrown about my face and my glasses were crooked. By now I was sure I looked insane from a third person view.

"Help!!" I called out again

Nobody answered.

I then began sobbing . Fear creeping it's way into my body.

I squinted my eyes as they were finally adjusting to the darkness.

A door .

There was a door just about five feet away from were I lay restless on the floor. My breathing had calmed down now. But I was still wheezing. The tears were still streaming down my face making my vision kind of blurry.

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