Heavan or Hades

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Hey guy so I realized that the first chapter was kind of boring. But I find that in every book the beginning chapters are usually pretty boring. Unless your like Johngreen or something. Unfortunately, my fellow dolphins I am only a Unicorn. BUT ...my right hand to pickles I will try my best to make this chapter less boring.


Listen to '' This is home'' by Switchfoot for this chapter. I will try to post either a quote or song for each chapter. Kk bye now :-) well not bye.. Please don't go. Keep reading gorgeous !!



"I'll be back for you. Don't go too far" he said .

Then he let go. I almost fell when he did but instead I ran straight out of the gym.

I didn't even stop at my locker. I just went straight to the parking lot. The events from that horrid night ran through my mind . I didn't care if there were cars coming I just had to get away from this school . So I ran .
Straight into the arms of my death.

Arabella P.O.V

I was dead. I knew it already. The car nearly ran over my entire body. I swore I heard something crack. My limbs were numb I could barely feel any part of my body. My mind was clouded and I felt as though I was being lifted. I thought I would be relieved when death finally found its way to me. But instead, I was scared shitless.

''What are you doing here?'' A voice called out to me. The voice was rough and sweet at the same time and it left my heart stuttering.

A voice.

A voice?

A voice!

What the hell? Was I already in heaven?

Or hell..

No, there was no way that voice belonged to a demon or any other horrid creature that lay beneath. The voice I heard left tingles in my chest and made my brain pop. It was almost like a melody.

''Open your eyes.'' The melodic voice sounded almost commanding. It also sounded very far away. Muffled almost. Everything he said so far made no sense to me.

''Why aren't you listening? I know you can hear me.'' The voice spoke once more. Although you could here the demand in the voice, you could also hear the pleading. As if he was afraid to loose me. The thought made me want to smile.

.. Don't be stupid..

Despite my physical form, I fought to open my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to see the face that matched the god like voice. I could feel my eyes twitch and flutter. My mind was starting to become keen making my aches and pains more noticeable. I could feel my face contort into something close to a grimace.

''I know it hurts but you have to fight it My radiance.. Come to me.'' The voice sounded closer. I felt I could almost grasp it. The voice was so full of hope and power.

I fought. I fought to push my eyelids open.

Light began to peek through my lashes. For the first time I realized that my body was enveloped in warmth. I snuggled closer to the source, my body recognizing it as home.


My heart skidded. I looked up only to meet the eyes of the most beatiful man I have ever seen in my life.

Orbs of silver and tiny specks of gold flashing back at me . Lashes the length of tiny spider legs and eyebrows dark, defined and chiseled. At the moment they were creased with worry . My eyes traveled down to his perfectly straight nose. Then to his plump rough looking lips. I found my eyes lingering there just staring. Wondering if they were as rough as they looked . . My thoughts soon drifted and I looked back into the strangers eyes. They were a dark dark grey now . I flinched at the sudden Change and held my breath in anticipation completely forgetting i had just been fucking hit by a car.

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