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Two weeks later

"Babe!" I heard someone yell. I rushed from the bathroom in our room,down stairs,and to the kitchen to see Aubrey laying on the floor. "Baby why are you on the floor?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and helped her up. "I'm hot and the floor is cold." she said in a duh tone.
"So why call me?"
"Because i was thinking. We should go for a run. We haven't went running together in a while." she said opening the fridge. My father told me that was a bad idea. I had been holding it off for some time now. I didn't want to go against my father's word but I did want to run with her.

"Uhhhhhh, what about tomorrow?" I said nonchalantly. "But baby you said that yesterday." she said pouting. I walked over and kissed her puffed out lips and smiled. "I promise,first thing tomorrow we'll go running." I said as I pulled out some pots.

She smiled and nodded. "Babe,we should make some cupcakes." I said turning to face the stove. "For just us or the whole house?" she said. I felt her arms creep around my waist and a smile made its way on to my face. I felt her lay her head on my back and I shrugged.

"Just for us. We made everyone brownies the other day. Chocolate or vanilla?"
"I like my cupcakes like I like my women." She said. I could just imagine the smirk on her face.
"Choclate it is. How many should we make?"
"Sounds ok to me. But baby..."
"I kinda need my body back if you don't mind." I said laughing. "Nah I'm good." she said hugging me tighter. "Aubrey,baby I have to make the batter." I said turning my body to face her. She stuck out her bottom lip and shook her head. "I'm not letting you go." she said pouting at me. I leaned down and kissed her. I slightly bit her bottom lip and placed my hands on her waist.
I rotated us so her back was against the counter and lifted her up on to the countertop. I felt her legs wrap around me,pulling me closer.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT KISSING IN MY KITCHEN?!?" I heard my mother yell. I turned and looked over my shoulder to see my parents standing in the doorway. "I think you mean my kitchen." I said laughing a little.
"Your kitchen,my kitchen,hell's kitchen,either way I told you to stop making out in the kitchen. Aubrey dear could you get off the countertop. People cook there." she said in a smooth voice.

"Oh so she gets nice, softspoken mom and I get loud, sarcastic mom."I said and Aubrey got down.
"Yes because I'm one hundred percent sure she's not the one who started it."
Aubrey laughed to herself and I nudged her.

"Didn't you two do enough of...that when Aubrey got recrowned?" my father asked looking down at us. "Nope. We didn't do anything but eat, sleep and watch tv." Aubrey said as she headed to walk out the kitchen.
"Everything you do here." I heard him mumble.

"Um dad I have to talk to you about something."
"What is it?"
"Aubrey wants to go running and I promised her we would go tomorrow." I said in a whisper like voice. I heard him sigh and mutter something to himself. "Ok. That's fine just don't....don't go running with anyone else. Just you and her,by yourselves. Other wolves can smell power. They'll know who and what she is and bow to her, then you. That will cause alot of questions from her."

"Ok I think we can do that."
"I'll tell everyone to postpone their run tomorrow." he said as he walked over to my mom. "Ok. But um....I have to talk to Aubrey about something so I'll be right back." I said heading out the kitchen before they could ask questions.

Warning: Graphic scene/R-rated content(things might get...nasty

I ran up the stairs and down the hall to our room. The door was slightly cracked and I could hear the shower running.
I walked in and see Aubrey's cloths scattered across the room. The bathroom door was open. I made sure to close and lock the room door and started to get undressed. Before I went into the shower i put our cloths in the hamper and got my phone and started playing music. Any song would do,I just needed something to drown out...certain sounds.

I walked into the bathroom and smiled. "Took you long enough." she said turning to face me. I searched her body and found myself staring. Her body was small and slender. Her curves were outlined by the water the soaked her body. The water made everything pop. Her tan skin, her thighs, her breast..."Phoenix."
"Huh?" I said being brought out of my train of thought
"Come here." she said in a commanding tone. I did as I was told and got in the shower.
"You look.....I can't explain." I whispered to her. She grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. She leaned up and placed a kiss on my neck,making me shudder. I let my hands wonder,ignoring the fact that water was pouring over me. I trailed my left hand down to her right thigh. "Phoenix, baby what are you doing?" She whispered.
"Not sure yet."

My hand made its way into her inner thigh,getting closer and closer to her heat. I let my finger trail to her lips and my right hand train to her hips. I heard her take a deep breath. "Aubrey look at me." I said looking down at her.
Aubrey looked up and whimpered. Her brown eyes were a drowning in lust, love and other things that started with L. I traded her folds and started to rub her c!it. Her eyes fluttered and a heavenly sound left her parted lips.

I smiled at the affect I had on her,and the affect she had on me.


"Aubrey,have you seen Phoenix?" i heard Kevin yell.

"Yea,i'm kinda with h-"

"We're busy,can you come back later?" i said cutting her off. "Oooh i see. I'm telling your mom!" he yelled laughing. "Snitch!" i yelled back.
"Baby." Aubrey whimpered.

I looked down to see Aubrey panting with her head against the shower wall. "St-stop." She whimpered. I,without thinking,started to rub faster. I found myself smiling at her reaction.
"Open your eyes baby." I said cupping her face. Aubrey opened her eyes and heavenly sounds left her mouth. "Phoenix..."she moaned. I felt myself turning off. I could feel my wolf taking over.

Everything felt more...enhanced. My eyesight was crystal clear,as was Aubrey. I could hear ever moan and whimper. I could hear every sound made in a 10 mile radius.

"Shhh. Baby talk to me. Tell me what you feel." I said as I placed my head in the crook of her neck.
"I...mmm,baby please."
"Please what?"
" I can't..."
"You can't what?" I asked kissing her collarbone. I heard her struggling to get her breath on task.

"It what is this?!"she asked gripping on to my hair. "Just let it happen. Close your eyes and let go." I said kissing the spot behind her ear. I felt her jerk and she pulled me flush against her. I let my teeth scrape against the spot between her neck and her shoulder. I felt my fangs grow and I bit down,breaking the flesh,and marking my mate.

She yelled my name and pulled my hair,yanking my head back. Her body jerked below me,who I caught a hold of her as she slid down the wall. I waited for her to calm down and let my lounge trail over the 'wound'.
I felt her shiver. "Did you just mark me?" she asked. I could her the slight anger in her voice. "Yes,i did." I said looking down at the bite. Slowly,like magic,a small grey wolf appeared and at the end of the tail was a blue moon.

I leaned over and turned off the water. Aubrey let out a low growl and turned us over,pushing me against the wall. Her eyes were glowing a bright blue,unlike Her natural brown.

"Mine." She said in a low voice. She leaned up and smiled at me. Her sharp fangs poked out from under her pulp lips. "Mark me." I whispered. Without missing a beat she leaned up and bit me in the exact spot I marked her.
Pleasure rocked through my body from head too toe.

"Oh God!" I yelled as the pleasure and pain took over. My body jerked and a high came over me.
My vision became blurry and I could hear Aubrey trying to calm me down.

"Are you two alright in there. Kevin said one of you fell. And I heard someone scream." I heard someone say. "Yes mom. We're ok. Phoenix almost slipped. That's all." Aubrey said in a calm voice. I could hear Kevin laughing behind the door.

"Come on baby let's get out." Aubrey said pulling me out the shower.

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