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Hey guys its Daisha and Cristina. We want to thank everyone for supporting this. We are happy that you are enjoying this book. We now have over 1.2k reads on Sally!! Like this is amazing.

Its been two years since releasing Sally. We are now Sophmores so we wont have a lot time to post BUT we will make time just for you. We love you all ENJOY!!

Ever since that day of meeting Sally, Angela has changed. She traded her big over-sized spectacles for new improved contacts and she finally got braces for those big beaver teeth and now has beautiful straight white teeth.

She also got married to Javier Ramirez and she has three kids.

There is Alex, he is the oldest child age 17, there is Diana she is 15, and is the middle child and last but not least Madison or Maddie for short she is the baby at the age of seven. They were a happy family; they lived in a big three-story house.

This book is finally back after being unpublished for a while! We hope you enjoy it!

Stay tuned for an update every week! We will try to update every Fridays if we have the time!!


Daisha: Daisha_xx

Cristina: cristina_tovar

~Cristina & Dai'Sha

Return of Sally (Sequel to Sally) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now