Chapter Fifteen: Prom Night

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At the Willis Mall, Diana and Sadie are looking for a prom dress. "How about this?" Diana asked Sadie, who was snatching a dress from another girl. Sadie made a face and said, "This is something I'd wear to my grandma's funeral. You need to pick something that will actually look good on you." Sadie was about to hand it to the girl but she ran off crying.

Diana rolled her eyes and pulled Sadie to the clearance rack. "See this is what we get for waiting too long to get our dresses." Diana looked at a purple dress, "Oh well at least they're on clearance."

Diana held up a short powder blue dress, "How about this?" Sadie's eyes glowed and she nodded her head excitedly, "Yes get that one." Diana smiled. She turned to Sadie, "Did you see Jennifer's dress? It was so tacky. I mean who wears a neon yellow dress to prom."

Sadie nodded. "I know right? She looked like a highlighter."

They both burst out laughing. Sadie turned and saw a white Alyce Paris prom dress and eagerly grabbed it. Diana gasped, "Go try it on!"

Diana shoved Sadie into an empty dressing room and closed the door. Sadie put the dress on and turned towards the mirror.

She came out of the dressing room and Diana looked up from her phone. Her eyes turned wide. "Let me take a picture."

Sadie let her take the picture then went back into the changing room. After she changed out of the dress, she slammed open the door, causing her to hit someone on the other side. Sadie gasped and quickly opened it again.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" suddenly Hannah came into view. Sadie paused and glared at her. "You." Hannah rolled her eyes while holding her nose. "Yeah, it's me. And you broke my nose!"

Sadie crossed her arms. "Well, you broke my heart!" Suddenly she saw that Hannah had the exact same dress as her.

She was shook. "Oh NO! Who do you think you are! First, you steal my man, now you're stealing my dress!"

Hannah glared at her. "First of all, Alex was never yours. He will ALWAYS be mine. And he will always come crawling back to me, just like he did freshman year and now." she smirked.

Sadie shrieked and jumped on Hannah, clawing at her face while Hannah screams.

Diana rushed forward and grabbed Sadie and yanked her off of Hannah. "Sadie it isn't worth it." She told her as she tried to drag her away.

Suddenly one of the workers came over with a concerned look on his face. "Is everything all right over here?"

They all looked at him and yelled "Yes!" He rolled his eyes. "I don't even know why I work here," he muttered as he walked back to the front checkout.

Sadie looked at Hannah. "I wish I had a piece of gum right now! I bet the bald spot is still there!"

They were still arguing at each other as Diana pulled Sadie away and told the checkout lady to put their dresses on her tab and send them to her. Once they got out of the shop, Sadie slowly cooled down, "What time is it?"

"It is." Diana looked at her watch, "1:50!We were supposed to go to the salon at 12:30! We need to go get our hair down NOW because we have to take pictures at 3:00!"

Sadie and Diana rushed to Tap-in-Weave salon. The woman who was doing another girls hair looked at them, "Hey, you guys were supposed to be here at 12:30." Diana frowned, "We are terribly sorry, Tadiashana we were looking for a prom dress." Tadiashana grunted, "Hm, well you better be happy that this is our last customer." She said as she patted her head.

Sadie and Diana squealed and jumped up and down. Tadiashana added another layer of hair to the woman's hair. She yelled to her friends, "La-Quansha and Fomeesha, come do this girls hair before I stop paying yall!" La-Quansha led Sadie to a chair to set in. She felt her hair and jumped, "Oh girl you need a perm!" Sadie looked confused, "I don't use perms on my hair."

La-Quansha combed her hair, "Girl, I know I can tell!" Fomessha started to talk, "So you girls dates?" Sadie shook her head, "Not me he asked another girl." Fomessha stopped fixing Diana's hair and looked at her, "Oh no honey, if he did that with me I would have cut him." She went back to Diana's hair and said, "With some scissors!"

La-Quansha looked at Fomessha, "Right he would have gone from the get go." Sadie sniffed, "He was my first crush." La-Quansha looked at her in her eyes, "Honey, that don't mean nothing! I had my first crush too."

Sadie and Diana looked at each other and stopped talking.

Once they were finished, they both looked in the mirror. Diana's hair was in a neat bun with a braid wrapped around it while Sadie's hair was perfectly curled. Diana smiled at the two women, "Thank you so much! We love it!" They paid them and left.

Diana looked at her watch, "It's 2:15! We need to hurry!" Diana called an Uber and went to her house.

As they approached the front door, there was a box with their two dresses on their porch. Diana opened the door to see Alex already dressed. The girls didn't have time to speak as they ran to Diana's room with thier boxes. The girls were going lightning speed putting on their dresses, shoes, and makeup.

"GIRLS, COME DOWNSTAIRS IT IS PICTURE TIME!" Diana heard her mother yell. The girls looked at each other and walked down the stairs to see Alex and Hannah already taking pictures. Hannah smiled at Sadie, "Nice dress." Sadie looked at Hannah's red dress.

Angela smiled and said, "No time for talking say cheese!" They posed and said cheese. Angela took the picture and pushed them out the door, "The limo is here, you kids have a good time BYE!" They all hopped in the limo with their friends and headed to the resturant.

Hey GUYYYSSSSSSS! We hope you like it and if you did please give it a vote and please comment because we read every comment! :)

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~Dai'Sha and Cristina

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