Chapter Eleven: Madame who?!

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(The picture at the top is Miles)

"Maddie." Madison opened her eyes to see Alex looking at her. She yawned and looked around the room to see she wasn't in her room. She looked at him. "Sorry I slept in your room." He looked at her. "It's ok, I really don't care."

Alex's phone rang. He looked at the caller I.D and answered it.

"Hello." Madison looked at him as he said, "Oh hey Miles listen I need you to drop me and my little sister off at Sadie's." A voice came from the phone. Alex continued to talk, "I know I have a car but it got towed for the second time." Madison walked around his room.

She hasn't been in his room for 2 years. She looked at a picture of Hannah, Alex's ex. Oh, how Madison hated her with a passion. She was always rude to her because Alex paid more attention to her than he did Hannah and that is why Hannah dumped him.

She heard Alex hang up the phone. She put the photo down, walked to Alex, and said, "What did he say." Alex looked at her. "He is coming in 15 minutes but first, I need to call Sadie."

Madison giggled as Alex shivered saying her name. He typed in her number, pressed call and the phone didn't ring for half a second before Sadie answered the phone quickly, "Hello!"

Alex put his forehead against the door. Madison cover her mouth trying not to giggle. Alex looked at Madison and rolled his eyes, "Hey Sadie this is-." "I know who this is, "Sadie said cutting him off.

Alex sighed. "Okay whatever, anyways; I have a question to ask you. I don't really expect you to-"

Sadie gasped. "You do? Go ahead, ask me. Just ask me anything you want. I cannot believe this is actually happening! I can't wait to-"

Alex rolled his eyes. "Okay try not to sound all desperate, please. It is not anything like that. It's just that I heard your grandma is Madame Ooga and that she is some kind of witch lady or whatever." There was silence on the other line. Sadie then answered back.

"Oh... yeah that's my Grandma. Why do you want to know?"

Alex was quiet for a minute before answering back. "Um for personal reasons. I just need to know where she stays. I need to talk to her as soon as possible. So can you please tell me her address? "

It was quiet for a minute and you could hear Sadie breathing on the other end. Alex looked frustrated and he said "Sadie. Hello? Are you even listening to me?"

Sadie said, "Oh sorry I was just listening to your voice for a minute."

Alex closed his eyes and said, "Please stop being creepy. Can you just do me this one favor?"

Sadie said "Oh. Sorry... Okay, she actually lives with me."

Alex hit his head on the wall, "Oh ok then we will be there in a few," He heard Sadie squeal and was about to hang up before Sadie interrupted and said "Oh wait before you go, maybe we should get together or something. You know kind of like a date and-"

Alex interrupted her. "Oh sorry, my phone's about to die bye."

He quickly hung up.


Madison went to her room and got dressed. She looked around the room. Sally was gone. Madison sighed in relief and went downstairs where Alex was looking at Instagram.

HONK HONK HONK, Alex looked out to see Miles white Ford F-150 outside. Alex said, "Maddie lets go, Miles is here." Madison walked outside and went to Miles truck. Alex helps her in the truck. He hopped in and was greeted by Miles, "What's up." Alex buckled in his seat belt and said, "Nothing much, what about you."

"MANNNNN let me tell you." Alex looked at him wide-eyed knowing he was going to say something inappropriate. Miles continued, "There's was this brunette right. She had the bigge-." "MILES my little sister is in the backseat." Miles turned back to see Madison looking at her wide-eyed in curiosity. Miles chuckled and looked at Alex, "I'll tell you later."

Alex rolled his eyes, "We are heading to Sadie's." Miles stopped what he was doing, "Are you talking about Sadie Patterson, the girl who had a crush on you since like third grade." Alex slapped his hand on his forehead, "Yes her. I need her grandmother to help me out with something."

Miles looked at him, "Why." Alex looked at him, "Personal reasons." Miles shrugged and kept driving.

Once they got to Sadie house, Alex looked at Maddie, "Go knock on the door." Madison frowned and looked at him, "Why can't you go knock on the door." Alex glared at her, "You know why." Madison laughed and knocked on the door.

The door opened to see Sadie in some white leggings and a blue jean button up shirt. She leaned on the door, "Hello Alex and Maddie come in." Alex never been in Sadie's house before. Madison ,on the other hand, has been here almost every 2 weeks with Diana.

"Sit down she will be in here in a min." Madison sat down in the single chair before Alex could. Alex glared at her and sat in the double seat chair and Sadie plopped right next to him. She smiled at him, "She will be here in a minute."

She looked at Alex, "So have you heard of the Back to School dance, I heard that the Seniors are hosting it this year." Alex looked at her, "Oh yeah I remember." Sadie smiled. Alex looked at his phone, "I was going to ask Hannah." Sadie stood and said, "HANNAH, WHY HER? SHE DUMPED YOU REMEMBER?" Alex glared at Sadie, "I know she dumped me ok but we started talking again this year." Sadie rolled her eyes. "Oh ok, give me a second."

Sadie went upstairs to her grandmother's, room. She knocked on it and heard a faint, "Come in." Sadie opened to see a very old woman, which was her grandmother. Sadie frowned, "Hey grandma how are you feeling." Madame Ooga coughed loudly, "Not so well, Sadie you know I'm 91 years old." Sadie nodded, "I know that grandma but my friend and his little sister needs your help." Her grandma frowned her eyes, "Well what do they need?"

Sadie shrugged, "I don't know but it's something." Madame Ooga squinted her eyes, "What is their mothers name. She might be one of my old customers." Sadie looked at her, "There mother's maiden name is Angela Perinut."

Madame Ooga's eyes squinted, "I know what it's for but let me rest for a minute." Sadie nodded and walked out the room not before turning off the lights. Madame Ooga closed her eyes and took a deep sleep. Only if she knew someone is in the same room as her.

The room was dark but you could little feet run across the room. Madame Ooga opened her eyes and felt something shift in the bed. She turned on the lamp next to her to see the devil herself, Sally.

She was about to scream until Sally choked her, causing her voice to crack. Sally looked at her, "You know Katrina I should have killed you the day we met but, I guess it was worth the wait." Madame Ooga looked at Sally before saying choking the words out, "You will never win." Sally smirked, "I already have." Madame Ooga soon stopped moving and breathing.

Madame Ooga was now dead.


Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Sorry for any typos!


What is your favorite kind of sandwich?

Alright guys


~Dai'Sha and Cristina

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