Chapter Five: Dance Class

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(A/N Maddie is in the picture

Madison was happy her family was back together, but how was she going to hide Sally from her family? She walked upstairs to get her dance bag. She opened the door to see Sally going through her jewelry box.

"I've found it!" Sally said as she held up a silver necklace with a ruby in the middle. "I have been waiting for ages to get this necklace and now it is MINE."

Madison looked at her. "Well you could just buy one. They're only five dollars." Sally looked at her confused and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Sally began to examine the necklace. She turned it over and read the back. "Made in China." Sally threw the fake amulet on the ground causing it to break in pieces.

Madison looked the broken amulet on the ground. "HEY, you owe me five dollars." Sally glared at her. "Where did you get that necklace from?"

Madison answered back, "The Museum downtown, the real one is enclosed so I just got the souvenir." Sally snapped her fingers. "How am I going to get there?"

There was a knock at the door. Sally ran into the closet. Alex opened the door, looked at Madison, and saw the broken sharp necklace on the ground.

"Maddie what happened?" Madison could feel Sally's eyes burn the back of her head. " I got really angry and threw the necklace on the floor."

Alex walked over and carefully picked it up. "Look you could've hurt yourself."

Madison said a soft "sorry." She never ever lied to her brother before. He stood up and picked up Madison's dance bag. "Mom told me to take you to dance class so let's go."

Madison nodded, "Okay, but can I get something real quick?" Alex rolled his eyes. "Alright, but hurry up."

Alex went downstairs. Madison ran to the closet. She opened the door to see that Sally was gone. Madison thought to herself, "Where could she be?"

She heard a honk outside. She ran downstairs and said goodbye to Angela as she walked out the door.

She got in the front and buckled her seat belt. It was a very silent car ride.

Madison started to talk. "Hey bub, since it's a new week and competition is next Saturday, do you think Mrs. Mandy will give me a solo?"

Alex continued to stare at the highway and said, "If you do that would awesome." He smiled at her.

As the arrived at Mrs. Mandy's Dance Academy, she said goodbye to Alex and ran in the dance room with her bag. She and the rest of her friends were stretching as Mrs. Mandy walked in.

"Alright girls, I would like to congratulate you all for getting first in Mini Division but it's a new week. So our competition is going to be at your own elementary school, so we must have a win!"

The girls clapped. There were seven on the team. The favorite was Brooke; she is six only lost three times. Next there was Harper; she is six, the go-to girl, and the best at contemporary. The baby is Ingrid, but just because she is the youngest doesn't mean she is the weakest.

Next is Lennox, she is four the acrobatic girl and pretty. The oldest is Crystal; she is eight. The last one is Conlee, She 4. As far as Madison, she was the weak link she did not comprehend anything but she was determined to get a solo this week.

They all stood up and listened to Mrs. Mandy. "We will not have a group dance but we have only one solo." Madison's eyes gleamed with joy. This is her chance.

Mrs. Mandy clapped her hands, "Okay, now this person would be our best foot forward." Madison was jumping in place. Mrs. Mandy said, "Our solo goes to






Madison's heart sink to her stomach, "Why Brooke, Why not her," She thought in her head.

As Mrs. Mandy was walking to the break room, so she could write next week plans. All of a sudden, she heard rumbling noises in Madison's bag.

She opens the bag to Sally in there. She gasps, "What is this hideous thing doing in Madison's bag."

Mrs. Mandy got the bag and took it to her office. She set the bag down on the floor and opened her computer to search up Angela's number.

She found the number and started to type on the phone. Then she hears a rumbling noise again. She looked back at the bag to see the doll gone. She hung up the phone and stood up. "Where is that doll?" She thought to herself.

She went to the door and was going to walk out. She turned the knob but it would not budge. She started panicking and bang on the doorknob while screaming help.

She heard a giggle. She turned around to see a pair of scissors and stabbed in her eye. Mrs. Mandy let a bloody scream.

Sally walked up to her and looked at her. "Why hello, I see Brooke has a solo. It's too bad you won't be able to see it." She said as she threw another pair of scissors in the other eye.

Mrs. Mandy was now screaming and tears of blood were running down her face. Sally got a trophy from a wall and whacked Mrs. Mandy across the head while she bled to death.

Hey, Guys Dai'Sha and Cristina here! Hope you like this chapter! Sorry for any errors! :)

*Add shameless plug here*


Dai'Sha: Daisha_xx

Cristina: cristina_tovar

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