Chapter Twenty: The Fight

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Sally looked at them and smirked. "Well look who it is." Sally looked at Angela and smiled. "We meet again Angela."

Angela glared at her. "You aren't going to do to Madison what you did to me."

Sally laughed. "We'll see about that. So where's Javier? You two are still together aren't you?" Angela looked down. "He died from cancer not too long ago."

Sally looked shocked. "Really, I didn't know that! Probably because I didn't kill him." (At the comment section)

Angela rolled her eyes. "We all know that you didn't kill him. EVERYONE knows that. I mean you weren't even there."

Alex nodded. "Exactly. Just like how some people think I'm played by Shawn Mendes when I'm actually played by Francisco Lavanchi or whatever his name is."

Sadie laughed. "And just like how some people forget who me and Miles are and they have to ask right after we're mentioned like 10 times."

They all started laughing. Sally climbed on Angela's shoulder and they held each other laughing. Hannah came out from behind Diana and said, "And when-"

Alex shoved her. "Get out of here, you aren't in this scene."

She disappeared and everyone laughed.


Are You mad?



Happy Valentine's Day

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