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Yes, Mr. Piqué was offering me a lift.

No, this isn't a dream.

I don't know if I'll return home, alive. Why? Because my heart had already started palpitating— there's a ninety nine point nine nine percent chance that I'll have a cardiac arrest.

Mr. Piqué had already arrested my heart though.

"Are you coming?" He asked, shooting an incredulous look— shoving me out of one of my usual stupors.

"Y-yes." I loath the way I stutter every single time I talk to him– or try to talk to him. Keeping aside the blissful souvenired moments from earlier— the part where Mr. Piqué totally gaped at me twice— one whole minute, the first time and around twenty seconds, the second time.

I was elated— no doubt; but why did he stare at me, out of all the beautiful lassies in the school. The thought of him passing fancy for me was too good to be true— Oh my dear Mr. Piqué, why don't thee confess thy feelings for me?

A gush of the cold wind made me shudder and pull my hoodie over my head; while my legs trembled slightly. Why are winter downpours so distressing?

I walked behind Mr. Piqué, who, even in such a weather was trotting steadily– his boots clicking against the cold ground. The sounds were muffled by the swatting rain outside that had now increased it's intensity, constraining my lips to let out a soft groan.

We were heading towards the parking lot for the teachers and staffs, through the main school building— the lengthier path, because none of us had an umbrella.

I soon drifted off to the thoughts of my Pikachu– I had replied him quite a while ago, but my phone decided to be an uncooperative bitch and turn itself off. I longed to talk to him— something about him was immensely attractive, although I hadn't seen his face and he could easily be a forty year old in disguise; you never know.

"Wait here." My head bolted upright to face Mr. Piqué— I hadn't realised that we had already reached the parking lot.

"I'll get the car," He spoke further, probably because of the overly muddled look on my countenance. I nodded meekly, as he turned around, marching towards the black..

Audi r8 spyder? I thought he had a white bmw m5? Typical.

The rain had drenched him and his shirt completely, and his nose was now scrunched up, while his eyes were squinted— even in such a situation, he look enticing. How?

He unlocked his car and quickly seated himself inside. The next thing I knew, was a black audi pulling up right before me, and my physics teacher motioning me to seat myself next to him, in the passenger's seat— holy molly.

I was trembling, although technically he's the one who should be freezing— contemplating the way the downpour had drenched him. The awkward silence in the car was broken by the music from the radio— it's a shame to call this unearthly, divine device a radio.

"What is your address?" He asked, as we were on the main road. "Twenty three, Balmes, carrer de," I replied. "It's a little far from here."

He snickered gently whilst I blushed in embarrassment— of course he knew it was far; I was stating the obvious.

Silence revived once again and I couldn't help but frown hysterically. Should I talk to him?— he might think I'm some sort of a creep.

Kicking those thoughts aside, I cleared my throat— ever so softly that he could barely hear it.

"Mr. Piqué– the assignment that you had given, well– when exactly do we have to submit it?"

Great going– everybody, even the F grade student knew we had to set forth the assignment next week; it was written on the notice board!

"Next week," he answered. "Miss Alba, have you completed it yet?"

Now, now, I did not see that coming.

"Yes— I'm working on it," I replied, "And please call me Mercedes." If I could pause time, I'd definitely do it at the moment to slap myself twice, or probably thrice for being a weirdo.

"Mercedes," he husked. "Beautiful name." I wanted to roll down the window and jump outside— he had complimented me.

"T-thank you," I mumbled. "I like your car."

He chortled again, whilst shaking his head– in all probability, because I was acting extremely ill at ease.

"Thank you– so do I," he replied. "I thought–" I paused, wondering if it would seem normal to ask him such an abrupt question, but I gave it a try, anyway. "I thought you had a white bmw m5?"

"Oh, I do–" He paused to glance at me, "you noticed that too?"

Okay, congratulations, Jackie. You're an official creep.

"Who wouldn't notice a bmw? I like cars!" I wish I could shut up.

"You like cars?" He questioned, and I nodded promptly. "Love them!"

A tiny smirk hugged the corner of his lips, as he took another glance at me; making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Well– what car are you seated in?"

"Are you testing me?" I cocked a brow at him, earning a guffaw in response. "Whatever you wanna call it."

"An Audi r8 spyder– the v10 5.2 fsi Quattro, I think." Whoah, I sounded like a pro— that's what you get when you have a brother who gets called 'CC'.

No, not Cubic Centimetre– 'Car Crazy'. Typical.

He cocked both his brows at me– an immensely pleased look enveloping his countenance; dear lord.

"Well– that's impressive!" He smiled– a warm, friendly smile that was zero percent professional.

Before he dropped me at my abode, he even waved at me– yes, waved while smiling.

I couldn't help but squeak to myself, and dance along my inner goddess– more like, perform.

He talked to me.

He stared at me.

He offered me a lift (in a good way, of course.)

He complimented me.

He thinks I'm impressive.

He smiled at me– twice.

He waved at me.

What more could I ask for? Oh waithim to date me, have sexual relations with me and a lot more; but that was simply nonsensical. 

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