19 Randoms Tag

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Thanks to paulodybala for the tag. Here we go;

1. Where were you born?
Calcutta/Kolkata, India.

2. Were you named after someone?
Nah, I'm the first me. 😎

3. When was the last time you cried?
Three days back, for some serious batshit.

4. Do you have kids?
Yeah, yeah, 16 and pregnant.
SIKE, nah nah.

5. If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
Why, of course! It's a privilege to be friends with someone like me, right?

6. Do you have any pets?
...Pom the Pomeranian. I have a Pomeranian called Pom.
I had like 16255289 pets, but somehow I ended up freeing them.

7. Do you use sarcasm?
So much that it could be the reason for my death, someday.

8. Would you bungee jump?
Hell, yes! (Provided that I return home in one piece).

9. What is your favourite cereal?
Kellogg's Special K, bc erm I JUST LIKE IT, OKAY.
...Also because I'm special but that's not the point.

10. What's your eye colour?
Chocolate brown.

11. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies!

12. Do you have brothers or sisters?
Sadly, happily, depressingly, ecstatically, no.

13. Computer or TV?

14. What's the first thing you notice about a person?
Legitimately, footwear. (It's a myth, you can judge a person by the footwear he/she is wearing!)

15. Favourite smell?
The smell of burning charcoal, or wood in chilly winter mornings (the ones that I usually get when I go for my morning runs.)

16. Farthest you've been from home?
...quite far.

17. Do you have any special talents?
Is breathing counted in as one?

18. Do you have any hobbies?
Photography, writing, reading, driving, doodling, sketching, painting, counselling, fixing machinery, traveling, expediting.. er do I need to continue?

19. Are you in love?
No, I'm not a love-person, unless we're talking about food.

I now tag PrettyAngelina , foreverpique , falloutblind and you (yes, you! *cue 90's music*), whoever's reading this.

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