7: Haircut Day

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It was still raining the next day. The only difference was that the rain had turned into a thunder storm.

Clint was woken early in the morning by loud knocking on his door. He rolled out of bed and trudged to the door only to open it to see Pietro standing there looking like he just saw a ghost. Needless to say, Clint was confused.

"Pietro? What time is it? What do you want?" Pietro's mouth started moving but Clint couldn't hear him and he realized he forgot to put his hearing aids in. "Wait, give me a minute. I'm a bit deaf. Come in." Pietro, scared and confused, came into the room and sat on the bed. Clint grabbed his hearing aids and put them in, adjusting them so they were at the right frequency. He noticed that Pietro had on nothing but black boxers but ignored it.

"Alright, I'm good. Now, what do you want?" he asked again, checking the time. It was 3:30 in the morning.

"Um, I don't really- I'm kind of afraid of...? I just, um, well, uh... Yeah..." Pietro trailed off, unable to explain. There was a clap of thunder from outside followed by the flash of lightning a few seconds later and the Sokovian trembled, emitting a small whine. Clint nodded, understanding the situation.

"Let me guess; you're afraid of thunder and lightning and you don't want to be alone?" Pietro nodded meekly, hanging his head so his chin touched the top of his bare chest. "That's fine, just stay on your side. Also, I'm taking my hearing aids out so if you need me, shake me to wake me up because I won't be able to hear you."

Pietro smiled and stood up, enveloping Clint in a hug. "Thank you." Clint rolled his eyes and hugged the boy back, ruffling his shaggy silver hair.

"Now go to sleep. You get that side." Clint pointed to the side of the bed farthest from the door and Pietro walked around the bed, climbing under the blankets. Clint got back into bed and yawned loudly. "Goodnight. Shake me if you need anything."

"Alright. Goodnight, Clint," Pietro said quietly, getting himself comfortable. Pietro, Clint discovered, slept on his back with his left arm behind his head and his right lying next to him and his legs straight. That was very different from how Clint slept; on his stomach with both arms folded under the pillow and his feet spread out like he was running horizontally.

Clint took out his hearing aids and set them on the nightstand and got himself comfortable, moving his legs around a bit to find the perfect spot. While he moved around, the pant leg on his right leg rolled up to his knee. He was about to roll it down when he shuffled another inch to the left and his leg was instantly warmed by Pietro's right leg.

Clint kept his leg right next to Pietro's, barely touching, all night.


Clint woke up at a reasonable hour later on, 9:30, to a slightly adorably sight. Even he had to admit it was cute.

Pietro was lying on his side, facing Clint, with his pillow out from under his head and instead in his arms. Pietro's head rested on the top and nearly his whole body was wrapped around that pillow, with the exception of his right leg which was still brushed against Clint's. Plus, Pietro's mess of silvery hair was framing the side of his face, making him look even cuter, along with the fact that the side of his mouth was quirked up in a smile. Clint couldn't help but stare at him with a small smile on his own face.

He decided to go downstairs when the clock turned to 10:00. He rolled out of bed, put his hearing aids in, pulled a shirt on, and went downstairs. Natasha, Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel were already awake and were all in the kitchen.

Cooper was on a stool, staying perfectly still while Natasha snipped away at his hair. Lila was sitting up on the counter watching, a giant smile on her face. Nathaniel was in his little baby play thing on the floor a good distance away from the falling hair.

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