18: Some Things Are Just Not What They Seem

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It all went to shit less than two weeks later.

After a week and a half, Clint, Pietro, and Pepper the dog returned to the tower only to find it nearly destroyed. The main room was almost empty of people but full of broken and burned furniture, spider webs, and scraps of metal. All the bedrooms in the place were perfectly intact, as well as other private rooms, but labs, living rooms or lounges, the kitchen, and even the rooftop was as broken as the main room. A majority of Tony's mini-bots were smashed to pieces and a few of his cars were dented.

When they got home, they found Natasha sitting on the tipped-over, charred and broken couch with a book in her hand. She glanced up at them and smiled.

"Welcome home."

"What the hell happened here?" asked Clint, picking his dog up so she wouldn't get lost in the rubble.

"You missed it. The great Stark-Rogers fight of 2016. Tony completely obliterated and burned everything and Cap broke everything else. Peter tried to step in but he got hit with the shield by accident and now the idiots are with Bruce at the hospital making sure the kid is alright."

"When the hell did all that happen?"



"Those two did all that?" Pietro questioned, looking around.

"Yeah, they did."

"In one day? How?" She shrugged.

"They were mad."

"About what?" Clint asked, handing the dog to Pietro.

"Remember Cap's old friend Barnes who tried to kill him a few years back?"

"I can recall."

"Alright, so, Barnes shows up again." Clint gasped over-dramatically and Natasha rolled her eyes. "That's basically what Steve did, but yeah. So anyways, Steve is basically still in love with him"

"Did he go all heart eyes?" asked Clint.

"Yeah, pretty much. Well, obviously Tony gets jealous. I mean, that's his boyfriend and everything. Thor came back from Asgard two days after James showed up and he brought that weird alcohol he has. They all got drunk, Rogers and Barnes included, which surprised me but not really because Asgard is magical. Anyways, Tony mixed the Asgardian shit with some other stuff in an attempt to loosen Steve up- you know how stressed he is all the time. It worked. The next morning, Tony's passed out on the couch down here and his boyfriend is half-naked upstairs in a bed with a half-naked Barnes."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah. Stark woke up first and when he found them, he got pissed. He locked himself in his lab for about a week, didn't sleep once except for when I made him. I'm quite good at being in charge of Stark, you know."

"We know, Nat."

"Shut up, Barton, and let her finish."

"Thank you Maximoff. As I was saying, Tony didn't leave his lab. I made Rogers talk to him and, well, you can say they didn't last long. The very second Rogers admitted he used to like Barnes, Stark basically went ballistic. He punched Barnes in the face and that's when Rogers snapped. It turned into a full-fledged fight, suits and all. Stark knocked Barnes out first. Poor kid was out cold for like eight hours. Stark and Rogers went at it for like two days. I took care of Barnes because somebody needed to keep him out of it."

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