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Stephanie's P.O.V.

I go into a room and sit down in one of the many chairs in the room. I turn around and notice Robert sitting across the room. I walk up to him, no words were said, just glances shared. I walk away towards a room with a bed and I know that Robert is following me. When he steps inside the room, he closes the door and locks it. He kisses me and I kiss him back, our lips moving with each other. He pushes me on the bed and climbs on top of me. I don't remember how I got my clothes off or how his clothes got off. We're under the blanket and he's kissing and sucking my breasts. He looks up at me and then disappears under the blanket. He's pleasuring me, I'm moaning his name, Robert, Robert, Robert-

I wake up out of breath, eyes shoot open. I can't believe I had that dream, he's Luis's best friend. I just can't believe it. Not only is he Luis's best friend, he's Alice's ex boyfriend. Omg I can't tell anyone about this dream, Alice would kill me and I don't know how Luis would feel. It's just a dream, it's just a dream, it means nothing. A dream can't tell you if u have feelings for someone, it just can't. I just know this day is going to be more awkward then I think.

            I walk into geometry knowing I'm going to have to face both guys that have entered my head this morning. I walk in with Alice by me. I haven't told her anything , I'm trying to be as casual as I can.
"Hey, what are you doing after school?"
"Who, me, nothing" I say anxiously. I should really calm down.Alice looks at me confused.
"Are you ok?"
"Yea I'm fine, sorry"
" I feel a story not told"
" no really, u just caught me when I was like in a daze"
" ok sure"
I sit in my usual seat right next to Luis, he's not here yet like usual. I take my books out. I'm searching the for a pencil now, I didn't even notice Luis sit down. When I get up I see him staring at me, I jump.
" shit, Luis you scared the shit out of me"
"All I did was sit down"
" yeah, and stare at me like a creep"
" oh, sorry" he turns away and, wait, is he blushing.
"So, how's your day so far"
"It's ok, better now"
" why is that?"
"Because it just is"
"Well does it have to do wi-"
"Awe look at the lovely couple making up" I turn to see Robert with a smirk on his face. Automatically I get bubbles in my stomach, it wasn't butterflies, it was me being nervous. I really hope I don't like him. I turn around and look at Luis. I didn't even notice the smile on my face until Robert said something.
" I said, I see you"
I smile" what are you talking about Robert"
" never mind, I'll keep it to myself"
" whatever"
I turn toward the board, class has started and honestly this day is already starting to feel long.

          It's sixth period now, I have living environment with Danny. I sit down in our regular seats. He's already sitting but he looks like he has something to say, I don't think it's good.
"You ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Why are you lying, what's wrong"
" I'm not"
"Oh I'm not letting this go, u better tell me"
"It's nothing"
" ok how bout this, you tell me what your hiding and I'll tell you what I'm hiding"
"Your hiding something"
"Yes, I just said that"
"How bad is it?"
"It can totally ruin my friendship with Alice"
"Oh, yeah I wanna know"
"Ms.Cruz and Mr.Humphrey, you mind sharing what's so important to the class" says Mr. Bury.
"Um, sorry we'll shut up"
"So, Mr. Humphrey, you spill first" I whisper while doing my work.
" um, this isn't great but there moving me to the camp in D.R. Next week"
"What?!" I whisper yell.
"Yeah, it was sudden, they just told me this morning"
"And you were trying to keep this from me, have you even told Alice yet"
" no, I didn't know how"
" look where happy for you and we want what's good for you, I don't think she'll be completely mad"
"I know, I just didn't want to drop this on her"
"Or me I see, just know I'm hitting you once we get out this class"
"Ok, fine, now u need to talk"
"Oh um it's nothing really just me and Luis had sex yesterday and I Dreamt of me and Robert having sex last night" I say really fast hoping he doesn't hear me. Unfortunately, he did.
" wow, I mean it's not surprising about you and Luis but you and Robert"
"It was just a dream, it doesn't mean anything"
"Well dreams can lead to the truth sometimes"
" there is no way I like Robert"
"Who knows maybe it's a feeling deep inside"
I give Danny a blank face, I just can't think like that. For the rest of the class and practically the rest of the day, I had his words stuck in my head.

       I'm waiting on the line for phones when Luis comes up behind me and raps his arm around my neck and says "scream and I'll kill you"
I smile and turn around "hey Luis"
He smiles at me.
"What are you doing today"
"Right now?"
"Well, Alice is coming to my house"
"Um, why?"
"Oh , I was gong to go get something to eat I was hoping you could come with"
"Oh, how about Monday, I'm free then" I'm smiling so much it hurts my cheeks.
"Yea definitely, I'll save my money for then"
"Cool" I get my iPod and go straight to Alice whose next to some guy I haven't really seen before.
"Hey Alice, who's this?"
"This is Zigler"
"Hi Zigler, I'm staphanie"
"So Alice, you got your phone?"
"Yeah, let me call my mom real quick"
"K, so Zigler are you a senior a something?"
"Yeah, I am"
"And how did u meet Alice?"
"She was at the park with some of my friends, we've gotten pretty cool since then"
"Oh that's cool"
"Ok Stephanie, my mom said I can go, now time to call yours"
"Ok" I grab her phone and call my mom. I turn around and catch Luis staring at me. We stay looking at each other for quite a minute. My moms voice is what broke me out of my spell.
"Hello, hello"
"Hello, oh hey mom I was wondering can Alice come over"
"Yeah sure"
"Ok thanks mom, love you, see you later"
I hang up and turn around, about to walk to Alice when I feel a hand grab me. When I look to see who's hand it is, I'm shocked to see its Luis.
"I just um, I wanted you to text me"
"Why couldn't you text me first"
"I don't want to text you when Alice is around you"
I look back at my arm, which he is still holding. I think he thought I was bothered by his touch because when he saw me looking, he removed his hand instantly. I wish he didn't, it gave me warmth. I look up and he's giving me this face, I can't really tell what he's feeling, it's very hidden in his expression.
"What" I say.
"Sorry, just text me"he's looking away from me now.
"Ok, I will"
"Ok, I'll um, talk to you later"
He turns around and I watch him leave in confusion. Why was he looking at me like that? Why does he want me to text him? It's all just too confusing. I'm pretty sure you can see how frustrated I was through my expression because Alice noticed.
"What happened"
"He wants me to text him later"
"Uh oh I wonder what this is about"
"Your not the only one"

Luis's P.O.V.

          I can't stop looking at her. Why, I just don't know what to do. Should I go up to her, tell her how I feel and hopes she takes me back after all I've done. Shit, she caught me looking at her, but she's keeping my eye contact. I know why, I know she still loves me, I just don't know if I feel that strongly towards her. She looks away and I feel disappointed. I'm around my friends but I'm not paying any attention to them. I'm just looking at her. She looks like she's on the phone, yeah she is.. I start walking up to her , I'm not really sure why, my legs just started walking. She started walking away but I caught her arm before she could.
Fuck, why did I do that.
"I just um, I wanted you to text me"
Nice save Luis.
"Why couldn't you text me first"
"I don't want to text you when Alice is around you"
Well, this is weird. I'm here just staring at her. I don't know why I've been doing this lately, it's like I can't keep my eyes off of her. She's looking down, I follow where she's looking and noticed I still have my hand on her. I take it off instantly, she probably doesn't want me to touch her. I look back at her and just stay there. I don't know why, I just did. She looks at me, I think she's trying to analyze my expression.
"What" she says.
"Sorry, just text me"I'm looking away from her now.
"Ok, I will"
"Ok, I'll um, talk to you later"
I turn from her and walk faster than usual. That was really awkward but it's like I can't stay away from her. I want to be what she needs to be happy, I just think I'm Going to break her heart again. I don't want to do that.

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