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Three other children sat in the room. There backs straight as Katya was lead into the remaining seat. 

Peaking over at her companions she was not shocked to see their tear stained cheeks. Katya had seen something so horrific and watched as others brushed it off so easily. She didn't know where she was but she knew that it was no where good. 

They all appeared to be the same age. Their faces still pudgy with baby fat. 

The girl closest to her had light brown hair. Each strand braided into two french braids. The girls green eyes shown with tears, her freckle splattered nose almost as red as the girl's hair who sat on the other side of her. 

Katya was yanked back abruptly. Her spine colliding with the unforgiving metal of the chair. Her raven hair was forced out of their respective braids, a small whimper registering from the girl. 

The woman behind her tssked, yanking harder on the hair. 

Once the french braids were woven a top her head Katya was left in a condition similar to the girls besides her. 

"Congratulations." The woman spoke in Russian, mixing in German words every now and then, "You have been selected to participate in Russia's elite ballet program. You will bring honor to the Soviet Union with your success." She took her time, staring at each girl, "You will speak when spoken to. You will do as instructed. And under no circumstances are you allowed to speak of what happens during your time here."

"Welcome to the red room. You will call me Madame B." 

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