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That night the girls were separated into new rooms. Each group were given their own room. 

Katya, Reina, Alja, Jana, Tanya, and Natalia gathered in a circle. The girls just sat there, their eyes trained on the floor. 

Natalia was the oldest out of all of them. She was the one who knew the most. That's why they were separated into these groups. 

Natalia was supposed to teach them how to survive. And then they would be pitted against each other again. 

They now all knew that only twenty eight girls would get out of the red room. But they also knew that they would never truly be free from the red room. Because those twenty eight girls would be given a serum that would make them something different. Something valuable. 

Natalia's green eyes rose from the floor, her gaze settling on the raven haired girl across from her. Madame B had told Natalia previously about Katya. 

She said that she had high hopes for the girl. 

Not directly but that was the underlying message. 

"How many people have you killed." Alja spoke suddenly, eyeing the red haired girl. 

"Two." Natalia muttered in response, glancing over at Alja briefly. "How about the rest of you?"

Katya spoke next, meeting Natalia's gaze. "Two."

Reina, Alja, Jana, and Tanya answered the question, each of them only having killed one person. They went through the trial early, Madame B and the higher ups anxious to move on to the Black Widow program. 

"How many more people do you think we have to- you know?" Jana whispers, wringing her hands together as her eyes dart around the circle. 

A moment passed, none of the girls willing to say what was all on their minds. 

Until Katya stood, turning her back on the girls. "It doesn't matter." 

And then she retreated to her bed, securing the cuff around her wrist as instructed. Natalia followed her movements, nodding along with her statement. 

Madame B was right. 

Katya was the girl to watch. 

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