Chapter 3

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I was in such a daze whilst I being carried to nurse, by my absurdly good-looking mate. One of my arms was wrapped around his neck(the good one), while the other was being cradled in my lap. All of a sudden, he stopped so abruptly that it caused my bad wrist to smack back onto his chest.

"Ow-ey" I whispered to myself in immense mounts of pain.

"Oh shit, shit, shit I am so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen. We are almost to the nurse, don't worry little dove" he said frantically.

All pain temporarily forgotten, I raised my eyebrow, looked up at him, and said, "little dove?"

I saw his cheeks flush a light pink and a sheepish smile spread on his face, which was totally adorable may I add, but before he could reply to me, we had made it to the nurse.

He walked through the door and set me down on the small medical bed that was in the room.

"Excuse me", his deep voiced boomed, "I think her wrist is broken and she needs help immediately."

The nurse looked up frantically, scrambling to get out of her seat and over to me. Once she was standing in front of me, she grabbed my wrist, causing me to let out a small whimper of pain, which also caused my mate to let out a low growl. Talk about the ripple effect. I smiled weakly at her, silently apologizing for him scaring her, but also secretly loving how he hated seeing me in pain. She immediately apologized and tried her hardest not to put me in pain again.

"Well it seems that your wrist is just sprained, so I am going to put it in a splint, and suggest that you ice it multiple times a day," she said while she was walking away to get the wrist splint.

After she helped me get on the splint, she gave me a note to get back to class and before I knew it I was standing outside of the nurses office. With my mate that I still didn't know the name of.

I shyly look up at his tall frame, blushing slightly from how handsome he looks, and say, "Thank you for taking me to the nurse, I'm not sure what Alex would've done if you hadn't been there to stop her."

I suddenly see his eyes glaze over in anger, and I am very concerned for him, looking at his clenched jaw and fists. "Are you alright?" I ask timidly, not entirely sure where his anger is directed.

His eyes look down at mine and soften, a content look crossing his face. He rests his calloused hand on my hip, and reaches his nose down to my neck and inhales my scent. "I'm sorry I was not there to protect you from her, what she did was unspeakable and she will be punished so. I don't want to talk about her now, I just want to think about you."

My heart swelled from his last sentence, and a involuntary blush made its way to my cheeks. "Sooooo.... what's your name? If you don't mind me asking" I said.

"I don't mind at all, little dove, I'll answer to anything you ask of me. As for my name, you can call me Xavier, or as most people commonly know me as, Alpha King Xavier."

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