Chapter 15

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I managed to avoid Shelby all day, I figured that I would talk to her tomorrow.

It's now 3:00, and I am waiting outside for my lovely mate. 

"Hey babe!" I hear someone yell from behind me.

I turn around to see Sanders Bern, the athletic hottie of the school, running up to me. I wonder what he wants with me?

"Hey I haven't seen your pretty face around here, are you new?" He asks me smugly.

I clear my throat, "Uh, no. I've been going here for 4 years actually," I tell him quietly.

His smug look drops, "Oh? Well why haven't I seen you before babe? I'd really like to get to know you," he tells me as he wraps a arm around my waist.

I try to push him away, but he is too strong for me.

"W-Will you please get off of me?" I ask him politely.

"Woah I do know you! You're the nerd Isabella! Damn baby what happened to you? You're dressing hot now!" He exclaims.

Just as his hands grip my waist tighter, I hear the slam of a car door.  Thank you. Angry footsteps come walking up to us. 

"I am going to give you two seconds to get the fuck off of my girl, or else you'll regret it," Xavier growls out. 

Sanders realizes that he is the Alpha King, and whispers, "oh shit."

"Mr. King sir, u-uh I mean Alpha King, A-Alpha Xavier, y-your majesty; I didn't know that she was your girl I am terribly sorry," he stutters out.  Never seen someone so scared before.

"Even if she wasn't my mate, what made it okay that you were touching her still? Huh? Tell me what made that okay?  I fucking swear if I see you touching ANY human being inappropriately again, I will not hesitate to rip your fucking eyeballs out," Xavier's tone is deadly.

"Cmon Bella, let's go," he says angrily, gripping my wrist tightly and pulling me roughly to his car.

He opens the passenger door, and basically throws me in there.  What's wrong with him?

He slams his door shut and grips the steering wheel, knuckles turning white.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him softly.

I jump in surprise when he starts yelling, "No I am not fucking okay! A male was touching you, and you did not push him off. I am fucking pissed." 

The car ride is silent all the way back to his house.  He doesn't even come around to my side of the door to open it for me. Yikes.

"Hey what is your issue?" I snap towards him.

"YOU. You are my issue. Maybe if you had the guts to stand up for yourself you wouldn't be put in those situations. Maybe if you just hadn't been a coward, you wouldn't have been abused!" He snarls at me.

My heart drops. How can he says those things to me? Knowing what I've been through.

"That was low and you know it," I speak with tears coming down my face.  "I will just go back to being a coward, since that's what you think of me."

I turn away from him, not wanting to see his face.  "You know how hard it is to be kicked down, when you're already on the ground.  I can't help that he made me feel like shit. He was my father for gods sakes!" I scream at him.

Just as I am about to walk past him out of the house, he grabs my wrist.  I can see regret in his eyes. "Little dove, I am sorry.  You know I don't mean that," he says pleadingly.

"If you didn't mean it, why did you say it huh?" I ask him, while wiping my tears away.

"Bella, Angel, Little Dove, I love you okay. I am so sorry. I don't mean to get like this, just seeing him touch you made me livid," he says in a sad tone, cupping my cheek in his hand.

"Thank you for the apology, but sorry isn't going to cut it right now. I love you, Xavier. I will see you later," I tell him whilst walking out of his house.

Xavier's POV

I can't believe I was such an idiot.  Fuck, I didn't mean a single thing I said. I know my little dove is stronger than anybody else.

That pup just made my wolf livid. Seeing his hands on her waist made me want to rip his throat out. So what did I do?  I let him live, and took out my anger on my little mate. Ay dios mio.

I am sitting on my porch, head in my hands just thinking of one thing.

How am I going to make it up to my little dove?

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