Chapter 8

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A/N ~ Hey guys all i want to say is that some jercy is going to start to show soon.

Jason's P.O.V

Percy stormed out of the stables. I turned to Hazel who had a smirk on her face. My anger took over and i pushed Hazel against a beam with my hand at her neck.

Hazel tried pulling my hand away while gasping for air. "Jason *gasp* need *gasp* breath." She choked out.

I removed my hand and she didn't dare move. "Why'd you mess with Percy like that?" I growled.

Hazel hugged herself, "Because i think he likes you." She said with her head down. I heard a small sob come from Hazel and all my anger just left.

I pulled Hazel close to me, "Hey, calm down Hazel, I'm not mad at you. It's just kills me to see Percy in pain."

Hazel wiped her tears and looked up at me, "Do you like Percy?"

I tensed up, "Yes i do love Percy, but only as a brother."

"You're lying to me Jason, don't lie i want to know the truth. So again do you like Percy?"

I sighed, "Yes i do like Percy. I am bisexual"

A smiled made it's way to Hazel's face, "so piper wasn't lying to me wow."

"DAMNIT IT PIPER!" I yelled, "WHO ELSE DID SHE TELL!" i pulled at my hair in frustration.

"Hey," Hazel pulled my hands away from my hair and handed me my shirt, "Piper only told me. So calm down. She only told me so i can help get you two together."

I pulled on my shirt and nodded. I walked over to blackjack who was quite the whole time and started to brush his mane. Blackjack cocked his head to the side like he was trying to ask me a question.

Hazel put a hand on my shoulder, "Jason, you know Percy can talk to blackjack." I nodded, "So you know you have to keep Percy away from blackjack until you confess to Percy about your feelings right?"

I sighed, "Yes I know that." I thought for a minute, "Do you think Percy would like to go swimming tomorrow?" I asked Hazel.

"Are you crazy! If you haven't noticed it's winter! Why would anyone want to swim tomorrow!"

I rolled my eyes, " There is three reasons why we should go swimming tomorrow. One: it's water. Percy wouldn't care if it's cold or not. Plus it will heal his cuts. Two: we got Leo. He will make the the ocean a fucking Jacuzzi. And finally three: it will help us figure out if Percy actually likes me or not."

"We will talk about it during dinner-" Hazel was interrupted by Piper.

"Guys who made Percy upset because i went to check on him and his doors are locked. When i looked through the windows he was asleep with tear streaks on his face."

Hazel looked at my pained face then looked at piper, "d-did you see blood?" She asked with a shakey voice.

Piper's eyes widened, "Oh gods no! I didn't mean to scare you like that! Percy is fine no scratches or anything. Just crying."

I let out the breath i didn't know i was holding, "That's good. I wouldn't know what i will do if he got hurt again."

Piper put a big fat grin onher face, "Since Percy is the subject i might as well ask, when are you going to ask him out?"

Hazel and i looked at each other and smiled, "Tomorrow." We said at the same time.

"How and were are you going to ask him?"

"While we are all swimming tomorrow." I said, and well her reaction was like Hazel's.

Piper's eyes widened, "Are you insane! It is freezing outside and you expect us to get in the water and freeze our asses off!"

Hazel giggled, "Calm down Piper, your eyes look like they are going to fall out of their sockets. And yes it's cold outside, but that's why we have Leo."

"I still think it's stupid to go swimming in winter but ok i will go only because we have Leo." Piper said shaking her head, "And why the beach? Why didn't you pick playing video games in the big house or something?"

Hazel placed a twisted smirk on her face, "Well darling think about it. Jason will be shirtless."

Piper looked confused, "Yeah, so".

I rolled my eyes, "I will be shirtless and Percy is gonna be there with me..." I trailed off.

At thispoint Piper's eyes brightened with joy. "So you gonna see if Percy likes you or not by seeing how how he will react to your tiny flirts."

Hazel and i both nodded. "Ok well Jason, the others don't know you are bi and that we broke up so lets go tell them. Its the perfect opportunity because Percy is out like a dead battery and most likely won't wake up till tomorrow morning!" Piper yelled grabbing me and Hazel by the wrists and pullingus to the dining hall.

Once we got to the dining hall Piper basically threw us down into chairs. Frank, Leo, Nico, and Calypso gave piper an odd lookas she bounced up and down in her chair. "So i am guessing you have some good news, Piper." Leo said breaking the silence. Piper nodded

"And the good news is..." Frank asked.

"Jason and i broke up!" Piper squealed.

Calypso looked at piper as if she was crazy, "And you two breaking up is good because..."

Piper'ssmile grew, "It's good because Jason is bi and has a crush on Percy!"

I looked down in embarrassment but then Nico spoke, "Well... i did not see that coming but i don't mind. I mean i am gay, and you all know that and you guy's don't mind."

Calypso was the next to speak, "Jason look at me," I picked up my head to look at the goddess, "Sweetie we don't hate you It's just piper caught us off gard. But i promise you that we support your choice of sexuality." I gave Calypso a small nod.

"Bro, i am just surprised that you like fish breath." Leo laughed, "But seriously dude i don't care about your sexuality you're still my friend.

Frank gave me one of his famous smiles. "All three of them are right. You are still the same Jason Grace. Great hero and friend."

Hazel wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "You better be damn grateful for friends like us."

I laughed, "You guys don'teven understand how grateful I am for friends like you guys. It's more than i can ever ask for."

I couldn't stop smiling because i know i have friends who truly care for me.

A/N ~ Oh my god people this is my longest chapter so far! I am so proud of myself right now! I am going to try to updateas soon as possible. I promise.

~ livethroughdeath ~

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