Chapter 32

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Jason's P.O.V

I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say or how to react so i just said the first thing that came to mind, "Poseidon, are you on seaweed or something?"


I shook my head, "never mind, dont mind me. Just let me take this in for a moment..."

After a couple of minutes Poseidon sighed heavily, "I swear all of Zeus's kids are as slow as him! Are you done taking this in yet? Please do say yes!"

I bit back a snide remark and nodded,  "Yeah just one thing. I did nothing to hurt Percy in any way, so don't blame me for him being in here! I would do nothing to hurt him! Why would i have to audacity to hurt my boyfriend?"

Poseidon leaned back in a his chair and crossed his arms with a smirk, "Are you sure about that Mr. Grace?"

"Of course im sure!"

"So naive..." he said with a chuckle. Poseidon leaned forwards and rested his head on the palm of his hand. "What if i told you that you hurt him in a way you were both unaware of?" His said in almost a whisper.

When i didn't awnser he kept going, "On normal circumstances this situation wouldn't bother me, but considering it happened to Percy it... well it peaked my interests."

I stood up angrily, "I don't get why you are blaming me! I have taken care of Percy to the best of my ability! If anything happened to him i would know! It's not my fault he doesn't tell me what's wrong! I dont want to pry and seem like im mearly his babysitter! But Percy knows to let me in! I know for a fact that he was fine! So just stop fucking blaming me!"

Poseidon glared and me, "sit" he ordered. I sat down slowly and he sat up straight, "Jason are you aware you stole something from Percy? And in result if your thievery my son is in the care of medics."

I crossed my legs and cleared my throat, "I didn't steal anything from Percy."

A smirk played it's way on the God's face, "Oh yes you did."

"Then please enlighten me."

"It'll be my pleasure to enlighten you." He stood and moved to Percy's bedside, "Yes you were both unaware that you're actions would have consequences. Driven by love you two were." He looked dead in the eyes and i squirmed uncomfortably, "Jason Grace. Percy is here because you stole his virginity. You had sex with him."

My face instantly heated up, "I-i...u-uh....wha-...h-how..."

Poseidon looked highly amused with my embarrassment, "How'd i know? Well here's an interesting fact for you. I always know when one of my DAUGHTERS loose their virginity."

"But Percy's not a girl..." i mumbled still highly flustered.

"Im am fully aware of that Jason. Ready for a science lesson on the anatomy of a child of mine?" He didn't wait for an awnser, "I better explain it fast because that one child of Apollo will be bursting in here soon with those books from Camp Jupiter, claiming he found what's wrong with Percy.

Now since my children can breath underwater, their respiratory system is made up different. Just like their immune system and nervous system is made different. Have you ever thought why Percy heals when he touches water? No? Okay then. Well now that i made it clear everything in Percy's body is screwed around, i can explain what exactly happened. When one of my daughters loose their virginity, she goes into a deep sleep. So deep that it is often resembles a comatose. Before that happens she gets slightly ill. Usually a stuffy nose or a dry throat. Before she goes she has difficulty breathing or coughs blood. When she is out, her body is adjusting to the new substance her body is not aware of. It us-"

I cut him short, "What is the substance their body is not aware of?"

"Oh...well how's the easiest way to say this? Oh i got it! What makes the sea salty?"

"Uh..." Holy shit what does make the sea salty? Well time to make a wild guess! "The salt rocks..."

Poseidon face palmed and shook his head. "Whale cum..." he muttered.

"Excuse me?" I asked with disgust.

"How stupid are you? You're worse than Zeus! The sea is so salty by yes, eroded rocks on the seashore and blue whale sperm. The whale would ejaculate 400 gallons of sperm but only 10% makes it in."


"Ew? Boy you have been swimming in sea water before. I know you have. I always feel a jolt of electricity when you step in. Now back to the topic at hand. Were was i when i was rudely interrupted? Ah yes. Well the substance that she is trying to adjust her body to is the sprem of the man who ejaculated in her. The reason behind that is that she grew up being around water, hopefully. In other words my daughters bodies are accustomed to whale sprem so it screws them up a bit when they loose their virginity. Their bodies have to reset themselves. So after decades of believing it down to were only my daughters have this is a lie. All the records are lies. I have found this out when i sensed distress. Knowing Percy is my only half-blood child right now, i instantly knew that my sons can also go through this but we never knew because I've never had a gay son before. And if i might sadly add, that he was the bottom. So very long story short. You screwed my son and you might want to run because im not happy with you Jason Grace."

I backed up slowest my arms up. The door swung open and Will came through with a book and a huge smile. I sighed with relief, "Saved by the doctor." I mumbled. Will on the other hand frowned when he saw Poseidon.

"I guess this my que to leave." Poseidon announced, "Good day to you Jason. Keep an eye out for any danger."

I gulped with fear as the God left the room. Will tsked behind me, "Great Jason. You pissed of your boyfriends father. I give you my condolences in advance."

"Shut up Will. I didn't pissed him off on purpose. He's just pissed that i ha-"

"That you fucked his son? Yeah after reading the books it's clear what you did. And by the looks of it Poseidon has enlightened you on the subject. Such a pity. I was excited to tell you what's wrong with Percy."

I rubbed my face, "Well do you have anything positive to tell me?"

Will smiled widely, "Yeah i do! Percy should wake up soon!"

I sat up quickly, "Really?!"

His smile faltered a bit, "Yeah...the only thing is... well... when the daughters of Poseidon wake up their bodies aren't as stable because of sudden change."


"So it makes it easier for them to get pregnant. And i don't know for sure if Percy would now have that ability or not... it would explain why Poseidon is upset with you."

I twisted my hands in my hoodie, "I... I still don't follow..."

Will shifted a bit, "Percy might have the ability to get pregnant now...we wont know until the time thats why Poseidon is mad. He isn't even sure if Percy would have the ability or not so he is basically telling you to back off just in case if Percy can get pregnant..."

I let that sink in for a moment, "Percy and i could have a child?"

"Its a 50/50 chance..."

"But its still a chance?" Will nodded and i stood up, "Fine i have made up my mind. Now if you excuse me i have to go talk to Hazel."

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