Chapter 31

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Jasosn's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache and the sun isn't helping much. Ignoring the pain i looked out the window towards the infirmary. I don't really remember what happened after the incident. It was all a blur. The only thing i remember is blood. Lots and lots of blood. And just because of that i honestly i don't want to remember yesterday. For fuck sake i don't even remember how i got in my cabin last night!

But none of that matters right now. I need to see Percy. He needs me there and if something happens and im not there I'll never forgive myself... Percy is my life. Yeah i know thats cliche but honestly I've never felt this strong about someone before.

After getting dressed i head out for the infirmary. I go into Percy's room without having anyone question me. I sit next to him and hold his hand tightly.  Honestly i want to cry. Percy's naturally tan skin is dull and he looks so weak...its like whatever he has is slowly eating at him...

I turn when i hear a knock at the door "It looks like he's getting worse huh?" Will asked. I sigh and nod, "Well thats actually false. His condition looks critical but he is making a full recovery."

"How is that even possible?"

"Well," Will leaned against the door frame. "Its sorta like Percy is in a comatose. He is all well and good but he is unable to wake up. I still have to look further into this though. I talked to Reyna last night. She has agreed to leand me the books because Frank has told her how fond you are of Percy." I nodded and tuned my attention back to Percy. Will sighed loudly and layed a hand on my shoulder. I tuned to look at him.

"Jason, i know this is scary and all but you need to keep up with your health too. Go out and get some breakfast. Go and train for a bit. Nico has been wanting to spar for some time now."

I thought for a bit and looked back at Percy, "yeah... You're right...." i stood up and kissed Percy's forehead. "If anything, anything at all happens please call..." i said to Will while i pulled Percy's blanket up.

"Of course i would. What kind of doctor and friend would i be if i didn't? Just go and ease your mind. Percy has very skilled people watching over him. He would be under our best care. I promise."

I turned and smiled at him, "Thanks man. Well i guess i should go now." I walked to the door and stopped to look back a Will, "Nico really is one lucky dude, isn't he?"

Will chuckled, "Hey man Percy is pretty fucking lucky himself to have a guy like you."

I tuned around. "Thats were you're wrong. Im lucky to have Percy. I'd be completely lost without him by my side." With that i walked out and made my way to the mess hall.


No one said anything as i sat in between Hazel and Leo. The silence continued for another ten minutes or so until Piper gently grabbed my hand in a comforting way, "How's he doing?" She asked quietly.

I looked at everyone, who were all waiting for an answer, "Will said he is in some sort of comatose. Reyna is going to send some books over for him to research further with."

Thalia, who had decided not to sit with the other hunters, smiled a bit. "Well thats not so bad. He isn't in a bad state. Percy is a strong dude. We all know he is going to pull through. Nothing so far has tooken him down. Why should some silly sickness get to him. Your boy Will is one of the best medics here, ain't he?" She elbowed Nico.

He blushed slightly and pushed her away, "Your sister is right. Percy is going to be fine. We just need to sit back and let it pass. It might have to do with his father. Lots of the gods pass off something that can cause a slight disruption in the demigod's life for a short time."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They're attempts in lightening my mood were working. I smiled and ate a bit and talked to Nico about sparing later today. But till then Piper, Hazel, Calypso and Frank had urged me to clean my 'filthy' cabin. I only agreed to do it because the would also help. They tried to also persuade Leo to help, but he gagged at the thought of cleaning and continued to tinker with a miniature robot. And Nico hastily made an excuse about sharpeningall his weapons for later.

After we were all well fed we set out to my cabin. Except for Nico and Leo of course. I opened my door and everyone just stared at me, "What?"

"Dude, You're cleaner than we expected..." Piper mumbled.

"Although its still quite messy in here..." Hazel said while picking up a shirt.

"Yeah man its still a pig sty in here. But it IS way cleaner than we expected." Frank said with a smile, "So you aren't a foreigner to cleaning huh?"

Calypso simply grabbed a broom and shoved it to me, "but he isn't a common in it either. Jason today is the day you learn at least some responsibility."

Everyone stared to clean and i sigh and mumble, "Thanks for sugarcoating it guys..."


Two Hours Later

I stood nervously in front of the large man in front of me. He stared at me with so much intensity i wanted to crawl under a rock and hide there for the rest of eternity.

One minute im congratulating myself for cleaning my cabin, next Nico runs in and drags me here to the infirmary, and now im in Percy's room with Poseidon standing by his bed, clearly waiting for me.

I bow a bit, "P-Poseidon..."

He makes no movment, but the intensity in the room grows rapidly. I shuffle a bit and bite my lip. Looking between Percy and Poseidon uneasly.

Poseidon clears his throat and i jump slightly. "Sit down." He orders. I sit quickly and ring my hands in my shirt. "Jason Grace. Are you aware you're the reason why my son is in this state?"

I choke a bit, "W-what..."

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