4. A Family

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A Family

Paige was the last person in the studio. She was waiting for Anna Sue to take her home since she was coming to the birthday party. Anna Sue had greeted almost everyone after the class. She even spoke to Mister Tall, Dark and Handsome who happened to be very tall. She didn't see his lips move when he spoke.

He was so chill. He was every thing she had ever wanted from a guy. She just couldn't understand why he had ignored her. He was just as shy as she was. She noticed a number of girls try to talk to him after class but he gently shrugged them off. This pleased her but not in a sadistic way. She was glad to know he was not the kind of guy who walked around like he was entitled to all the girls.

Paige strolled outside and found that he was still there. He was leaning on his car which happened to be an old sleek black Mercedes convertible with the roof up. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the car. He looked so gorgeous standing next to his black car, wearing all black.

She stayed rooted in place. There was no way in hell that she was going to approach him, especially with how weak her knees were getting.

Anna Sue ran out of the studio with a large  poster in her hand. "Sorry I took so long!", she said to him. He smiled as he collected the poster from her.

"No problem. Thanks for this though", he said. That was the first time Paige heard his voice. It was the most panty-dropping melody to ever hit her ears.

How on earth can one boy be so damn smashing? she thought.

As he slid into his car, he glanced at her for a mere second. She quickly turned away feeling captured. He sped away at an appalling speed. That was something Paige loved... speed.

"Sorry to keep you waiting", her bubbly aunt apologized as she climbed the few steps. "I've just got to let Finn know that we're leaving". Paige nodded with a smile. She followed Anna Sue into the building after a few moments.

She opened the door to the office and found the lovebirds making out. She squirmed a little bit but tried to hide her discomfort. Anna Sue tried to detach herself from him but he held her tight.

"Sorry about that", Paige stuttered. Finn chuckled. He had a very charming smile to match Anna Sue's. His hair was blond and short. He had that hairstyle that most guys had... "the wave". His eyes were clear blue and very happy. His button up shirt was rolled all the way up to his elbows. He was very attractive... for his age.

Probably thirty five Paige guessed.

"It's okay", Anna Sue said. "If only he could keep his hands off me".

"I can't", Finn retorted. She slapped his chest and they both laughed.

"Bye Paige! Goodbye, my love!", Finn exclaimed dramatically as they both left.


Paige thought she had the best grandmother in the world. Nana always brought her presents and she had a special liking for Paige. Mary Sue was her only child with children so Nana hung around their place a lot.

Once, on Paige's birthday, Nana took her to 'The Ice Cream Warehouse' and rented out the place for the day.

She had free reign in all the freezers. Nana even paid the workers to sing for Paige. She ate so much that day and even took some home. Bonnie and Wes had been so jealous when she came home with a full tummy.  She made her Nana a very heartwarming "Thankyou" card the next day, telling her how great she was and how lucky Paige was to be related to her. Paige was nine at the time.

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