18 . A Gathering.

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A Gathering


He said it with the most casual smile, like Paige wasn't crapping herself in that moment. The sensible question to ask would be 'What are you doing here?', but instead, she went with,

"You're here".

"Yeah. I'm not surprised to see you here, though. I spotted your sister and I knew you'd be close by", he stated. Her mouth was still open. She didn't know what to say, if at all, she could say anything. He looked... hot. His curly multi-shaded brown hair wasn't packed up, like it usually was. Instead, he had let it down and tucked it behind his ears.

He wore a white t-shirt that read in black, bold letters 'DESPICABLE', faded denim ripped jeans and huge black sneakers. A white bandana was tied around his head. He really knew how to make an entrance. It was something he and Bonnie had in common.

"I see..."

He was up to something. She knew she couldn't figure it out by just staring at him. She couldn't help herself though. Her fingertips were just tingling, a sensation that came from expectancy.

"Uh... Paige".

Paige swivelled round to reply Indie. She was met by six amazed faces. Not one of them was looking at her. Not even Indie. They were gawking at Jordan. She didn't blame them. He resembled some 21st century Prince of Nepal.

"His name is Jordan", Paige explained before anybody could freak out. "He's in my art class".

Jordan gave a short wave and flashed a panty-dropping smile. Paige winced but continued. "This is Indie, Kya, Wendy, Jane, Vanessa and that's Olive".

"I've heard millions about you", Indie piped up, once she was done ogling him. She gave Paige a devilish look indicating that she was going to skewer her.

"Same", Jordan replied, although it was a slight exaggeration. Paige had only spoken about Indie twice. Kya lifted her hands to usher them away. Kya was forever the lifesaver. Once they were gone, Paige shot daggers at Jordan.

"What are you doing?", she demanded to know. He had voluntarily shown up at an event packed with all her family and friends. Whatever con he was playing, Paige didn't like it. She had every right to be angry,... didn't she?

"Wondering why you've suddenly gone beet red", he stated, with a confused look on his face. Funny, eh?

"Stop it, Jordan!", she snapped. "You know what I mean. Why are you here? Everyone I know is here. You are going to draw unwanted attention to me, and you, of all people, know that I don't like attention".

"Chill", he said. "Your aunt invited me. And at first, I didn't plan on coming. Then I realised that I couldn't turn down an opportunity to see you".


She nearly dropped her cup of iced lemonade on the ground. He meant that he wanted to see her, and be with her.

What is wrong with you? He's a boy, just like all the other boys here. Pick your dignity off the pavement, you silly little girl.

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