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So I had this idea a while back and I'm gonna try and write it, even tho my writing sucks. This is going to be a short story, with short chapters. Idk if I'm ever going to finish it but we'll see. Enjoy I guess!


I ran my fingers through my hair exasperatedly.

"There has to be a way!"

 I muttered to myself. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I was getting more desperate. They couldn't do this. Not now. 

"Fuck fuck fuck,"

I opened another site, desperately searching for a flight to Texas that wasn't cancelled because of this stupid strike. The flight I'd booked a couple weeks ago should have left at 8 this morning. Instead I'd been searching for alternatives for four hours now, with no success. Suddenly I slammed my laptop shut and paced around the room, my hands in my hair. Who the fuck schedules a nation-wide  strike right before Christmas? I'd never not spent Christmas at my parents'. It was supposed to be the first time I was going to see my family in months. And the worst part of it, as selfish as it sounded, was that Kirstie and Scott had managed to catch a flight to Arlington. They got to spend Christmas with their families, and I was stuck in LA alone. 

"Looks like I'm going to spend this Christmas on my own,"
I mumbled bitterly. I called customer services one more time to see if something had changed, but I was left disappointed. Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mike, my vision blurred from the tears that were threatening to spill.
"Hey Mitch!" My dad greeted me cheerfully, making me feel even worse.
"Hey dad!" I said, my voice almost cracking.

"How's it going? I can't wait till you're home, at what time do we have to pick you up from the airport?" 

"Dad.." Fuck. I wiped the tear  that had managed to escape away aggressively. "I'm not coming home for Christmas."
"What do you mean?! Aren't you supposed to be on your way here right now?"
"There's a strike. All flights are cancelled. There's nothing."
"What about Scott and Kirstie? Connie just called me and said he was arriving in an hour and they were going to pick him up at the airport!"

"I had some stuff to do in LA so I was going to leave today instead of last night. But, turns out, their flight was the last one available. And now I'm stuck here." I wiped my cheek, expecting it to be wet, but it wasn't. 

10 minutes later I ended the call, flopping down on the couch and letting the tears that I'd been holding in flow freely. I curled up in a ball, staring at the wall. This Christmas was going to suck. I stood up again, walking into the kitchen and grabbing the first bottle of liquor I could find. Not even bothering to find a glass, I sipped from the half-full bottle of Chardonnay and made my way back to the living room. 

This Christmas (Mavi)Where stories live. Discover now