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"Hey daddy?" I shouted from upstairs to Avi, who was standing in the living room below.

"Yes Juliet?" He yelled back, earning himself an unimpressed look.

"Don't you start all that Shakespeare shit on me. Could you maybe help me move my suitcase down the stairs?" I batted my eyelashes at him as sweetly as I could causing him to let out a sigh. He climbed the stairs and followed me into my room. After he had one look at my suitcase he stared me, not impressed at all, and shook his head.

"Really Juliet? That suitcase is about as big as my pinkie. Can you really not move it yourself?"

"Well, I probably could, but you see, I am very fragile and heavy lifting isn't exactly my forte. But you, on the other hand..."

"I get it, I get it, you just want to see a handsome guy do your work for you and sit back on your lazy ass to watch."

"Well, I wouldn't say handsome, but basically, yes."

Avi shook his head at me and grabbed the handle of my suitcase with a theatrical sigh, carrying it down the stairs with ease.

"Don't make me regret asking you," He mumbled, his voice just loud enough so I could hear him.

I took my suitcase from him when we reached the bottom of the stairs and I put it next to the door.

"You sure you have everything?" Avi asked me while putting on his jacket.

I nodded in response and went to find my own jacket and keys. After double-checking all of my stuff I motioned Avi to get out of the door first and I followed behind quickly, locking the door behind me and stuffing the keys somewhere in my pocket.

I turned around to see Avi with my suitcase already in his hands.

"Ever the gentleman," I quipped, and Avi rolled his eyes at me in response.

After he'd put my suitcase in it he closed the trunk and walked around the car, getting in it. I got in too and he started the engine, and soon we were driving away from the house and on our way to Avi's family.

The first half hour of the journey we didn't talk much. Instead we were driving in a comfortable silence, both lost in our own thoughts.

What a strange turn this day had taken. Just this morning I was preparing to fly to Texas, shortly after that I was drunk on my couch binge-watching Spongebob and now I was in a car with my band mate, on my way to spend Christmas with his family, most of whom I'd never even met before. It was crazy.

"Soo, how long are we gonna have to drive?"

"Around six hours I think? Might become seven because we're gonna have to eat somewhere." Avi answered, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Great. Seven more hours of this stuff you call music," I said, only half-joking. It puzzled me how he could listen to this without falling asleep every single time.

"You're hardly the one to talk, with your EFM or whatever that shit's called."

I gasped and put my hand over my heart, acting like his words had wounded me deeply.

After that we were silent again. I realized I still hadn't told Scott or Kirstie what was going on so I decided to call them, feeling too lazy to type. I called Kirstie first and turned down the radio while I was waiting for her to pick up, causing Avi to glare in my direction.

"Hey Mitch!" Kirstie's peppy tone made me smile.

"Hey! How are you?"

"Good, why are you calling? Aren't you on your way here right now?"

"I'm not going home," saying those words still felt hard.

"Wait, what happened? Is it because of that strike?" Kirstie's chipper tone had disappeared very fast.

"Yeah, there's nothing. Everything in LA is shut down."

"Oh Mitch, I'm so sorry,"

"It's okay, really. I'm fine." I reassured her.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Well, I'm in the car of some random dude I found on Grindr." I studied Avi's face while saying my next words. "I was planning on giving him a BJ while he was driving, but-"

"Mitch!" Kirstie interrupted me. "You had me fucking worried there!"

I wasn't really paying attention to her words, instead I was studying Avi's reaction. He just gave me a look and mouthed 'Really?' At me.

"No but seriously, what are you doing right now?"

"Oh, I'm in Avi's car. I'm spending Christmas with him."

"I don't believe you. You're probably joking again."

I turned my head to look at Avi again.

"She doesn't believe me,"

"Put her on speaker," he instructed, and I did so.

"Hello Kirstin Taylor," he said a little louder so she could hear him.

"What? How did this happen?"

"Well, it's a long story, but basically he showed up at my door and invited me over,"

Kirstie didn't respond immediately and I heard shouting in the background and shortly after she was back. "Sorry, we're leaving to go to the park, speak to you later?"

"Okay! Bye Kit!"


How did this chapter get so long? Im staying up way too late to write this, but I mean who needs sleep anyway.

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