bodyguard ¦ dabble

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word count: 751

s u m m a r y ; you are justin's bodyguard

All you heard when you arrived at the VMAs was screaming. You were already getting a headache.

When the car parked, you had to get out first, seeing as you were Justin's bodyguard. . .

You sighed, just as you opened the door and all the yelling got louder once the teenager girls saw that Justin Bieber was also in the black truck. Yep, you got a major headache.

Justin was behind you, and when you were all the way out of the truck, he got out. He stood close to you, like a little lost puppy. Although, he knew what he was doing, trying to get close to you and getting you jealous.

You see, yes, you were his bodyguard, but Justin thought you were more than just a bodyguard. . .

You thought the opposite. You were just a bodyguard that was assigned to assist Justin Bieber down the VMAs and to his seat.

Justin moved in front of you, but not before letting his hand brush against your ass. You felt his hand on top of your black uniform pants. You knew he thought it was funny, but you were angry. . .

Justin walked to the left row of screaming girls, and a few guys that wanted autographs. Justin went to work, smiling wide with his fans, and chitchatting with a few. "Have my baby," Was heard a couple times, and all you did was laugh. These people were crazy. . .to you at least.

But, Justin seemed to like all the cheeky talk from the thought 'innocent girls' that filled the crowd. . .

"You need to get Justin in his seat," You heard your boss in your earpiece, briefly speak to you. You don't respond, but nod, as you ease your way down the strip to Justin, who was kissing a girl on her flushed cheek.

Once he stopped, his brown eyes meet yours. Justin stops talking to the girls, as you get to him.

"Time to go," You tell him, not wanting to disobey your boss and somehow get fired, because Justin wanted to test you. Justin nodded, as he looked to the crowd, "Alright, people, I'm out!" Justim shouted over the screaming and some crying. You knew it was gonna be a long night. . .

You walk in front if Justin, getting through the doors in the front. You look beside you to make sure you didn't lose Justin on the way in. He wasn't behind you. . .

"What the hell. Where's Justin?" You ask yourself, doing a complete spin to see that the twenty-one year old was gone. You hiss under your breath. You didn't want to get into trouble, you just started this job.

Other celebrities strutted inside, moving right passed you in attempt to get to their seats. You turned around when you heard a voice laugh.

Thinking it was Justin, you look over in the corner to see Selena Gomez against the wall and Justin leaning over at her. "This little fucker," You whispered, as you start walking over to them. Well, more like stomping. . .

"Justin, you're so funny," Selena blushed at him, letting a small laugh escape her lips. Justin smirked at the girl, grabbing onto her waist to pull her closer to him. "I know, babe," Justin said, as they became chest to chest, probably breathing into each other's faces.

You cringe at them, before you approach them. They don't notice you at first, as you get to them.

Placing your hands on your hips, you clear your throat, getting their attention. . .

"Excuse me," You say sharply, raising one of your eyebrows at the two who were about to show some extreme PDA. The two look at you, and Selena instantly pulls away from Justin. You.glare at her first, and then shot the glare at Justin. But, Justin seemed to just smirk at you with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Justin, let's go," You say, firmly, as you start walking away. Justin hesitates at first, but runs to catch up with you. "I like it when you get jealous," Justin says, whispering in your ear, letting his lip brush against the tip. You shudder away, and roll your eyes.

"Whatever, Justin, lets go," You huffed at him, speeding up a little, trying to create some distance. . .

  ~   ~   ~

[ part two? ]
a little dabbling. . .and a little bit of jelena, lol, even though i could care less about them being together. . .sorry, i'm just here to make imagines. . .
[ would you really want to be Justin's bodyguard? ]

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