Black Lives Matter

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Only two days ago, on Monday, we were celebrating our independence, and a day later another black man who went by the name of Alton Sterling was killed.

Only two days ago, on Monday, we  were celebrating our independence, and a day later another black man who went by the name of Alton Sterling was killed

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He was trying to make a living, selling cds outside of a store, when police approached him and killed him. he didn't resist arrest, only asking what had he done.

Now, i don't understand how a black man selling cds outside of a store can get killed without question, but a white man who walked into a black church and killed nine people only goes arrested and is awaiting his sentence.

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This innocent black man is the 114th black male to be killed in this country, America, in the year 2016

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This innocent black man is the 114th black male to be killed in this country, America, in the year 2016.

It's like black people can't go swimming without being slammed into the concrete, or they can't walk around with hoodies on, A PIECE OF FUCKING CLOTHING. It's ridiculous that our race has to go through things like this on a daily basis.

And these police will probably not get convicted, even though they've murder an innocent man

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And these police will probably not get convicted, even though they've murder an innocent man. FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. They even had the video to where they killed him, but I couldn't take watching it. It would only make me more upset.

And, then you have the white people who where very upset over a gorilla being put down, but they could surely turn their heads when a black man or woman is killed at the hands of police.

Can someone please tell me how this is right?! It's like some type of cycle, I can only pray that this stops now, but I don't see it happening. . .sadly. . .

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