Innocently in love with a player.

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This is my first time writing a book, so please excuse my grammar and spelling, Thanks and i hope you enjoy the story. :) x


Chapter one

"Wake up, honey your gonna be late!" i heard my mom call from downstairs.

Erghh.. right.. its my first day in Valentine High school. I roll out of bed with my duvet covers coming along with me untill i hit the floor.

"What are you doing on the floor?" i hear a cute voice say. I look up to see my adorable younger sister standing infront of me. She is turning six years old in two months, and her name is Skylar. Skylar has hair full of curls, her hair is brown with some dark blonde streaks. Her eyes are a beautiful hazel brown with a green pattern complimenting her skin. Her skin colour is a little darker than mine, mine is olive and tanned. People say that we look very similar, i think they mean our bone structure and hair. Our hair is almost exactly the same, the only difference is that i dyed my hair velvet cup cake red. But unlike Skylar my eyes are a mix of baby blue, grey and light lime green.

"Just trying to get ready for school" i answer,

"by laying on the floor?" she replied with a cheeky smirk on her face

"oh shut up" i laughed, which made her giggle as i made my self to the bathroom dodging all the packed cardboard boxes that we used to move house. I hate this house. First of all its too small and second of all there's only one bathroom.

"Hey! Where do you think your going!?" my idiotic big brother questioned me. Hes two years older than me and im fifteen. He's the most self obsessed, arrogant person i've ever met. But he is really protected over me, Skylar and my mom. He's got blue ish black hair. (His original hair is light brown). He has dark green eyes and lightly tanned mixed race skin. Yeah, he's pretty handsom, he never stops telling me about all the girls who fall to their knees for him. He gets a different girlfriend, like, every other week. He's what i like to call a man slut.

"Im going to the bathroom, and im going in there first today, cause you always take too long and use up all the hot water!" i shout at him still trying to wake myself up.

"Well too bad ,little red, im going in there first!" he said quickly, yeah he calls me little red, you know cause of my hair..., as soon as he said that he pushed past me and started running towards the bathroom, before i knew it we were racing there.

"Gabe!" i yelled my brothers name as i pushed past him, into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. His nick name is Gabe, but his full name is Gabriel Lyonel Diamond, my sisters full name is Skylar Jewel Diamond and my full name is Dylan Joyous Diamond. And yes Dylan can be a girls name! Most people call me Dylan but some call me Joy cause its short for my middle name and apparently im always full of joy. It's weird that i havent noticed that.

"Dont get too happy Dylan, tomorrow im gonna be in the bathroom first!" i hear my brother say through the door.

I look at my self in the mirror smiling in triumph. I step into the shower and wash myself, as i step out i dry and wrap myself in a towel.

I walk out as Gabriel runs passed and locks himself in the bathroom. I go into my room and get changed into my black jeans, classy white top, and a cute black blazer. I step into my black stilettos. I brush my hair and tie it up in a pony tail keeping each one of my red curls under control. I quickly place a thin line of eye liner on my eye lids and brush mascara on my eye lashes.

I go downstairs to see my brother, sister and mom sitting at the dining table eating cereal.

"You got ready fast, Gabe" i said to him suprised as i sat down at the table next to Skylar.

"No i didnt, you just got ready really slow" he shot back at me stuffing his face with Co co pops. I didnt know how to reply to that so i just mumbled smugly, " you eat like a pig, wait i should'nt have said that, comparing pigs with you, is offensive to pigs."

He just glared at me and continued eating while my mom began lecturing us about respecting eachother.

"Sorry, Mom" we both said in unison.

It was silent for a while until,

"Im finished my breakfast!" Skylar yelled, happy with her self. And before Mom could say anything i said " good girl Sky. Now go brush your teeth 'till they're sparkling clean!" with a smile clear in my voice.

"Okay!" Skylar said excitedly, running upstairs to the bathroom.

My Mom looked at me and smiled, i returned the smile and got up the same time Gabriel did, we both ran to the bathroom like little children. When we finished brushing our teeth we went downstairs until it was time to leave for school.

Before we moved from our old house, Skylar had just finished kindergarten and due to the move we missed about 3-4 weeks of school. We moved from Virginia all the way to California, it was one hell of a car trip, i can tell you that! Especially with Mr. man slut in the front seat and a hyperactive five year old who cant sit still, next to me.

"Come on guys, its time to leave for school" Mom said "Gabriel, sweetheart, can you drive Dylan to school, i have to drop baby blue off to elementary school because shes in First Grade!" she said causing Skylar to get excited and giggle.

"WHAT?!" me and Gabe said in unison, we looked at each other in shock.

"Dude, we gotta stop doing that!" i said to Gabe.

"Mom! I dont wanna drive with ...THAT, in my car!" Gabe yelled pointing at me.

"Oh look who's talking! But seriously Mom i'd rather walk!" i cried.

" No! Gabe is driving you to school and that is that! Plus you both go to the same school anyway!" my Mom yelled at us.

"Erggh! Fine!" we yelled at the same time ... again!

"Oh my god! Seriously Gabe?!" i screamed as i slapped him.

"Ow! Its just a coincidence Dyl! Stop getting so mad!" he mumbled getting quieter the more he talked.

"Dont call me Dyl! And sorry, im just pissed off now that i have to ride in your stinking car" i explained to him in a depressed tone.

"Hey!" he replied as we got into the car.

"Oh shut up! Just dont talk to me on the way there okay?"

"Fine, glad to"

" And also dont talk to me at school, in fact pretend you dont know me"

" Well gees, i love you too sis" Gabe said driving out the driveway.

" I said dont talk to me!" i snap as he giggled and i pouted looking out of the car window.

After 10 minutes we arrive at our new school. I say bye to Gabe as i step out of the car and walk in the building. I look around, so many new faces, they all start looking at me as if i were an alien. Boy, its so hard being the new girl.

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